Thanks Obama!
Thanks Obama!
Are they pirates?
Everyone seems to forget porn chose HD-DVD
The headline asks for the best Mario game, the text of the article asks for your favorite. Those are...not the same thing.
As someone who regularly revisits it, I truly, deeply believe that Super Mario 64 remains the best 3D platformer ever created.
Come with me, and you’ll be, in a worrrrld of no imagination!
I don’t think dynamic pricing is going to work out for Wendy’s. It works for Uber/Lyft because they have close to a captive market, but Wendy’s isn’t one half of the only game in town and customers are absolutely willing to drive a little further for a couple of dollars off.
It also doesn’t really make a lot of sense…
Weird choice to purposely kill your business, but this is why I’m not a CEO.
Hm. Where should we go for lunch?
I know! Let’s go to the place that specifically raises their prices at lunch time!
Wendy’s is already far, far, far too expensive as-is, they’re pricing themselves out, oh well. $12 for a baconator can fuck right off, I’d rather hit my fantastic local burger place, R Burger, for a $7 combo with fries and two chicken tenders, fuck off and die Wendy’s.
Guess I’m not eating Wendy’s anymore.
Seriously fuck your slideshows Kotaku.
The store then started selling a bar an hour haha.
a low effort click funnel -an attempt to sell ad revenue by getting people to click the equally nonsensical clickbait
Shut the fuck up, asshole. He’s not going to give you any of the money you gave him back, or say your name on his stream.
If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest…
Ewww. Slurp harder, the guy is a trash human being who thinks the rules don’t apply to him because he’s rich. What a disgusting post.
I feel like every YouTube star that becomes the temporary king of the hill is just some immature brat leading an army of children who will soon forget him.
God I hope one of these stores grows some balls and call the police on him for trespassing and harassment. It would make a great video