I have this as a sticker on the back of my laptop, and I love seeing people’s reactions.
I have this as a sticker on the back of my laptop, and I love seeing people’s reactions.
As an expat Tucsonan now on the east coast, no trip home is complete without a dog from Ruiz’s, the trailer parked on a dirt lot at the corner of 22nd and 6th. Theirs is technically a Sinoloan dog, which is exactly the same except that the bun is buttered and grilled so it’s crispy. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten…
The mushrooms are on the serve-yourself condiment bar at most of the hot dog carts I’ve been to in Tucson, you can just not add them.
This is a spectacular choice
You forgot the best 4th of July song ever recorded—and it’s got no jingoism whatsoever.
Play 80 Days. It’s a genuinely beautiful, heartfelt mobile game and one of the better literary adaptations of any kind that I’ve ever encountered.
Beat me to it
This isn’t even the first public apology that Bradley University has had to issue this week. They posted a job description for an assistant director of Diversity and Inclusion...with a note that people who use wheelchairs would not be hired.
The Mediocre Mr. Maisel
My personal manifestation of this pet peeve is the ongoing loss of “disinterested”—a notion that is ever-more necessary in this age of abuse of power, and that there isn’t another good word for—to people using it to mean “uninterested.” Regulators should be disinterested but not uninterested, and too often it’s the…
Hey man, you’re one of my favorite writers on the internet (and I don’t know enough about basketball to have an opinion on the article) but just so you know, “spazzing out” is kind of a hurtful thing to say. “Spaz” is derived from spastic, and the phrase originates a a mockery of people with cerebral palsy and…
This is absolutely the perfect reference.
I’m with you, and really disappointed at the reaction here. Here’s one important litnus test: there’s no indication from what I’ve seen that this man in any way consented to being written about in this way, and there’s no statement from him about how he feels. The story is written like he’s a child, not an adult man. B…
People from the community consider it a slur and ask that it not be used. I suppose it is up to each individual person to decide whether they care about about being respectful to others.
As the Guardian put it in 82,
British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands
She’s certainly an active anti-semite.
It’s so true! That and Hanlon’s razor (Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity) are excellent maxims for life.
Perhaps she meant that you’re gonna be the one that saves me.