I Still Dream

It’s a special case because it’s a recent rule. Until 1992 it was perfectly legal for keepers to pick up a back pass from a teammate, but teams started to use it so much for time wasting that a specialized rule had to be created to address it. I guess treating it like an ordinary handball was seen as too draconian.

The keeper handling a back pass is its own rule, not a standard handball, and doesn’t result in a red card.

No worries! It can be difficult to tell in this comment system.

Yep, exactly. In the moment it’s probably not reasonable to expect a player to come up with that on their own, but I think there’s a case to be made that teams should train keepers on this circumstance.

Eminently fair, it probably wouldn’t have occurred to me in the moment.

Oh, certainly. I played keeper in high school and it wouldn’t have occurred to me–this is very much armchair quarterbacking.

You’re absolutely right, but at that point just pick it up–better an indirect free kick in the box than a gimme goal.

This is a terrific article, and it mirrors some of the experiences that I had with Player Career mode in FIFA 14. My 19 year old goalkeeper got loaned on deadline day from the New England Revolution of MLS (my hometown team) to SC Bastia, Corsican minnows in the relegation zone of Ligue 1 who I’d never even heard of.

You’re quite welcome! This issue is a bit of a hobby horse for me; as cool as it looks, I think restaurants are being kinda irresponsible by using this stuff without warning their customers.

Just be very careful if you’re on any prescription medications, including hormonal birth control. The activated charcoal they use to get that black color neutralizes most medications if consumed within a few hours of taking them.

The point is made elsewhere in these comments, but:

Step 1: Put the show after the end of September 2018.
Step 2: Make the main event Cody Rhodes vs. Bryan Danielson
Step 3: Profit.

And that was before ebay too, they’ve must have scoured every gym in the land.

Bravo. To say nothing of his despicable use of chemical weapons against civilians.

“I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes...[It] would spread a lively terror.”

That is fucking brilliant. Who says you can’t do subtle humor online?

When I was in middle school, there was a school in our league that was the small-time version of this. While every other school in the league was a tiny, academically-oriented charter, they were “All Sport Academy”–their building had been a strip club the year before, and their students spent more than half the

Nursing homes are awful, abusive places. But maybe, instead of the horrific ableism of proposing that everyone who can’t live alone without supports die, we could expand the Personal Care Attendant programs that allow people with disabilities to live independently? Just a fucking thought.

Now playing

At least on other countries’ talk radio, you get gems like this:

He certainly does–I hadn’t been thinking about commentators, but he’s quite likable. Although I miss the hell out of Orsillo.

Hahaha, oh now I won’t be able to unhear it either. He seems perfectly pleasant certainly.