
Happened to me. Brought my 2009 RAV4 into the dealership with grinding coming from the rear. They gave me a 2015 Highlander with 11 miles on it. They called me later to tell me I was looking at a $3000 repair (My oxygen sensor was bad too) on a 6 year old car, 6500 miles out of warranty. They asked if I wanted to

I had forgotten how much I hate Bam Margera. Thanks for the reminder.

Going through a similar situation with my sister. Her long time boyfriend, whom lives with her Monday through Friday while working at the job she got him, Goes straight to his moms in another state every Friday from work, and stays through Sunday night, and then drives straight to work Monday morning. My sister pays

Amen brother.

Because too many people view their children as a fucking accessory, much like a watch or purse. They aren’t thinking “Hey, my 6 month old is going to be pretty fucking miserable at a ball game.” They’re thinking “Everyone is going to think I'm awesome because I’m at Wrigley with a kid strapped to my chest.”

Here's what I don't get. Why do people bring infants to games? Seriously, get a fucking sitter. If you can afford front row seats, you can swing it. If not, stay home until the kid is 4.

I'm waiting for a Dad to drop a kid from the upper deck down to the mezzanine trying to catch a ball. It'll happen.

2 of the last 4 U.S. Open Champions finished with scores over par. Speith won at -5, and the Top 10 was even or better. The greens were shit, but it didn't keep people from scoring well.

Is this worse than a 2 stroke penalty for not realizing the big bowl of sand you were hitting out of was a bunker?

I agree. There is just something unlikeable about him.

On the bright side, Leslie Jones’ character will probably be what we could have gotten years ago had Eddie Murphy agreed to play Winston Zedmore.

I would rather see your version.

I think so. They definitely were never married. As you said, well done Ken.

Actually, I think she was his mistress, and convinced his actual wife that he traveled with her so fans would buy them being brother and sister.

Would it be crazy to take the fan voting out of the mix? Have the top fantasy point getter at each position start or something. MLB loves their relationship with Draft Kings, they could figure something out.

Softball is the worst. I played on a company team years back. It was mostly young guys between 25-35, and 1 crotchety 60 year old SVP who insisted on pitching and leadoff despite sucking. Since he was a SVP, nobody wanted to tell him no. He was also verbally abusive to all of us, and would throw a tantrum on the mound

Seriously dude, it's your fucking wedding day. Literally the only day of your life where you really shouldn't get shitfaced. So not only do you get shitfaced, but you then proceed to embarrass the living shit out of your new wife in front of everyone she knows. Well done sir. I hope she blew a bartender out of rage

This couldn't have happened against the Rangers?

I know the manager of a Dunkin Donuts. He said every time the owners raise the price of coffee, their daily tips drop. Most cheap bastards do just that, toss in the change. Less change, less tips.

Hopefully this helps them realize what a sham the whole process is.