A suspension will not help him. It could cause him to relapse yet again.
A suspension will not help him. It could cause him to relapse yet again.
Need this with commentary from Good Ole JR.
While they're at it, can we please swap Dallas and Carolina from the NFC East to South and vice versa? It has always bugged me.
Yep, my pops told me that when I called someone a scumbag, I was calling them a used condom. I was 12.
Somewhere, George Foreman is smiling.
Lorne left after the original cast did. After one terrible season with a new cast and producer, NBC brought in Dick Ebersol and another new cast, which included Eddie. Everyone assumed the show would be cancelled, until Eddie started killing it week after week. He bridged the gap until Lorne came back a few years…
My college roommate had a late 80s or early 90s (Don't remember exact year) Cavalier RS. He used to say the RS stood for "Regular Sedan". Somebody had bent his antenna backwards at a 45 degree angle somewhere along the way. A girl once asked why it was like that, and without hesitation, he said "Aerodynamics. When I'm…
Have you ever met anyone from Bay Shore?
But he would have torn a quad making the save.
Also from The Island, and yeah, boning in the parking lot after a game or concert is not all that uncommon.
The Niners were almost as dysfunctional as The Raiders for the better part of a decade. They fell ass backwards into Harbaugh, probably more because he wanted to stay in Northern California than for any other reason, and immediately became contenders. In true Jerry Jones fashion, York needed to feel the praise of the…
He would have no idea what was happening since he hasn't played an opponent handsomely paid to lose since he was 14.
It looks like it was protecting a calf.
Nothing is worse than when somebody buys reluctant guy a lap dance without him knowing. It's just bad for everyone involved. The buyer wastes money, reluctant guy gets pissed, the stripper loses a tip. Don't be that guy.
One thing I've learned, is that bachelor parties are never for the groom. I left mine early. No one noticed.
From my recollection, New Jersey has /had some really bizarre strip club rules. First off, they were called "GoGo Bars" for some reason. Second, due to bizarre State laws, if they served alcohol, the girls needed to keep on a bikini. The "Totally Nude" clubs served no booze, but were BYOB. Then they would charge "case…
It was Knight Rider on a boat.
If she were not famous, she'd be one of those girls who posts a selfie to Facebook with the message "OMG! Ugliest pic evaaa!!!" and the bask in the glory of her 748 friends replying "No Taylor, you're so pretty!".
So basically they did what every international team has done for years?
I miss the good old days, when everyone took their tit and dong pics with a Polaroid. One copy that you didn't have to worry about the one hour photo guys stealing, you held onto it, and worst case scenario, you burned it. Technology has made us so dumb.