
Double Dick Dude

Which is sad.

A guy I once worked with bought a Caddy XLR V Series a few years ago, and spent weeks telling everyone that would listen how "The sticker price was. $120,000, but I paid $90,000." The best reaction I heard was. "The only thing General Motors has ever made worth 100 grand was an airplane engine."

Agreed that they are looking for the cheapest way possible. Give them a few more years. I could totally see them starting their own shipping service.

When I was a 4 year old that was scared of the thought of a strange bearded man coming into my house in the middle of the night, my mother felt the best course of action was to level with me. I have no memory of ever believing in Santa, which actually kinda sucks.

Don't blame Amazon, blame the UPS driver who couldn't even be bothered with knocking when he dropped it on your doorstep.

When you look at his stats, then look at the impact he has had on his team, and then factor in that not only is he a rookie, but that he missed the first 4 games of the season, this has nothing to do with one circus catch. All that did was open the rest of the league's eyes to what Giants fans already knew about.

I had a valet once rip a tire clear off the rim. He actually tried the "It was line that when it got here" excuse. I still have no idea how he managed to do it.

On a completely unrelated note, key fobs suck. I have them for my 2013 Durango, more times than not when I try and start the damn thing, I get "Key Not Detected" until I jostle my keys in my pocket and it starts. Just give me a freaking key please.

Do basically it was a normal day in Queens.

Illegal parkers, ESPECIALLY those who park in handicapped spots, piss me off in ways I can't even express. I hope this asshat's tranny falls out on the way home.

A guy I work with had the engine crap out 9 months in on a leased 2012 VW Tiguan. They wanted to replace it, but he bitched enough to get a new car out of them at the same lease price. Some cars just roll off the line as lemons. You never know when.

Where I live, we've had red light cameras for some time now. I've managed to only get one since they've been in operation on what was a really quick yellow. More recently, they've installed speed cameras in school zones, which was a ridiculous money grab. I managed to get two in the same day in the same spot. Speed

Unfortunate typo. Should be Me, not My.

My favorite episode was the college girl who spent the whole pregnancy boozing it up because she had no idea she was pregnant. She blamed the weight gain on the "Freshman Fifteen".

My Grandmother was the same way when it came to great grandchildren. She started with me at 21, telling me that she was old, and that as the oldest, I was her only shot at a great grandchild. Bear in mind that almost 20 years later, she's still around and has 4 from 3 different grandkids, but at the time, I was her

I once caught a shirt at a game, and had a guy fall on my that was also trying to catch it. It's amazing how a free t shirt fired from a CO2 cannon brings out the best in people

Not unless they started adding names and numbers to the back.

A result of good teams beating each other up.

It seems like there is no middle ground this year. Teams are either really good or atrocious.