
The zeitgeist has moved on.

Theory: Her good stuff was written before anyone knew who she was. Now music takes a back seat to being "looked at." I enjoy Visions, but agree it's a one-off.

Grimes = Selena Gomez for hipster pre-teens.

Not all song doctors are men. Sexist to assume that. Think Sia.

Just listened on spotify. Sounds like a lot of song doctors were employed.

Cancer + Pregnancy+ Troubled Marriage = Lifetime Network x 3

I've enjoyed the show immensely. But three seasons is enough.

Bullock reminds me of one of those actresses you see on TCM. Forgotten in 2015, but the "biggest box office star of 1935."

Try "Vets are too expensive and it's putting pets at risk." Washington Post/ Post Everything

I once wrote an op-ed for a national publication about the high cost of veterinary care. A few hours after it went up, I checked the site and there were 600+ comments. Thrilled that I'd struck a nerve with other frustrated pet owners, I scrolled through the comments to find that 99% of them were from angry

I agree and raise you $100 million!

Yep. Cut-rate. Nothing wrong with it $275 million couldn't have fixed.

The golden touch of Melissa Mayer or whatever her name is.

Why did he get fired and why was his fall so precipitous?

If you don't like every one of Amy Schumer's jokes, you hate women.

Find me a female hack! Now!

Reality Show Pitch: "America's Got Talent: The Search for Jennifer Lawrence's Replacement, You Know, Like Lester Holt Took Over for the Indispensable Brain Williams and Ratings Went Up."

Get over yrself.

It was Flaming Lips fault. They're trying to kill careers of all bubblegum popstars.

I prefer the persona to the real guy on a perpetual sugar high.