
Dear HBO: Please no more behind-the-scenes show biz shows.

Plus black guy who can be cropped out of publicity still.

70-years-old?! That's impossible!

I'd like to see an exhibit of Bjork's ego.

Better than Broad City

Marisa Tomei? Sounds like Steinem had casting approval.

will ferrell

Looks pretty SyFy to me.

Canadian version: add "shot" to title

And Sam Smith

Obama will have to speed up his delivery to make it in hip-hop.

Thank you for your service.

Reads like an obituary.

Selma lost me when LBJ ordered the Air Force to "bomb Alabama back to the Stone Age."

To put the Oscars in perspective, Cher has one and Sally Field has three.

Fatman: If you ever become a guru, I'll shave my head and join. Keep speakin' the truth!

Purchased by DeMarco through a surrogate, no doubt.

Face bound by licorice whips. How daring.

Franco movies put Americans at risk.

Aubrey Plaza was not harmed in the making of this film