
Good start. Now fire your father.

Sounds Black Mirror-ish.

Ivanka without incest..

Her true color is "one hit wonder."

Did the real dad also wear a bad wig?

Lost me at "floating citadels."


Fake feud to build ratings.

End of trilogy: How the mature Mr. Obama failed to hold W. and Wall Street accountable for their manifold crimes. Directed by Oliver Stone.

Straight up Nazis. Tell it like it is.

If there are elections beyond this point.

1st season and already playing the Nazi card. Next up: Look! On that cross! Isn't that Jesus Christ?

Lost credibility at Dan Abrams, the Dr. Drew of legal profession.

So what? Some guys buy an entire pageant of broads.

I nearly fainted when I saw cast members each earned $20 million + plus. O.K. I did faint.

In Oregon, a deli is a strip mall storefront where old ladies play video poker 8 a.m 'til closing.

And she hasn't gained any weight.

"I'll be covering Son of Zorn" this season!"

It's the new angle for ingenues: "I'm soooo sexy. But I HATE it." That way, they get the male gaze AND feminist admiration.

She took the role. It made her bankable. Now she can do all the quality films she wants, or at least one every few years in between stupid stuff like SS.