Now playing

I’ll just leave this here. Hawks fans calling other teams’ players goons is hilarious.

Good luck with all the Hawks homers spouting conspiracies about how Coyle should’ve been suspended for knocking Keith down. Because apparently you can’t do that in hockey now? I don’t know.

So checking is now considering gooning?


That’s strange. Ubisoft says it’s on my end, but I kept getting the Delta and Mike errors at the title screen. Got a refund from Steam, so I’ll be exploring NYC on XB1 eventually.

ALT+Enter was pretty much all I was pressing last night. I finally got into the game today, only to get the Delta and Mike error messages. Going to go buy the game for XB1 I guess. None of my friends play on PC anyway :/

Interesting. I had turned it off from the get go. Maybe I’ll try turning it back on and see what happens. Thanks for the tip.

Why you so mad? Sorry my experiences are ruining your day. Wanna talk about it?

Nope. Several bugs. Ubisoft Support tells me it’s not an issue on their end, but rather my two-month-old i7, GEForce 980 rig is probably the problem. That is classic Ubisoft.

I’m jealous, because I really loved the beta. I did manage to get past the cinematic and once I began playing, I fell through the map. Requested a refund from Steam. May revisit once all the bugs are worked out.

Playing on PC. Uplay seems to be having login issues. Once I got logged in, the game crashes during the opening cinematic and stops responding.

Does anyone know how to bypass the opening cinematic? My game crashes a couple minutes after it starts.

Interesting. Is the soda a metaphor for “The Division” itself? The agent Ubisoft? The thirsty civilian the person who bought this game on day one and can’t play because of all the crashes? Inquiring minds would like to know.

The glitches in F4 are many, and they are aggressive. I’m about three hours into this game and have already experienced a game-breaking glitch in which I’m trying to talk to Preston to finish a story mission, but he has launched into the sky of Sanctuary and I obviously cannot reach him. Will be trading it in today.

This sounds like a really cool gimmick that I still won’t watch.

“...this story is about much more than just football.”

The Blues refused to take no for an answer.

I think this is actually the original sign. Not as graphic, but still pretty clever.

Wait a minute. Haven’t we seen this before?

You needn’t look any further than the comments section of this article to know what you need to know about Chicago Blackhawks fans. Easily some of the worst in professional sports.