The BFIB is a small sample of stupid fans. A quick Google search of "stupid [insert team name here] fan" will yield similar results. Real Cards fans find the BFIB fucking hilarious.
The BFIB is a small sample of stupid fans. A quick Google search of "stupid [insert team name here] fan" will yield similar results. Real Cards fans find the BFIB fucking hilarious.
A couple things:
You know, I was wondering this exact same thing as well.
I'm a Cards fan. This is hilarious. I gave him a vote.
Says the Mets fan....
I'll bet you watch a lot of NFL, don't you?
"You should've read the books. They've been out for like fifteen years."
Somehow Deadspin will find a way to make this the St. Louis Cardinals' fans fault.
Well I mean it's pretty easy to score when you're playing against a team who has a "we don't play defense" philosophy.
I knew the shitstorm that was heading my way even before I linked this article. I should've taken your approach. When will I learn!?
I linked this article on Facebook and your comment includes 100% of the responses I received from the gun nuts.
As a guy, I don't have much of a dog in this fight (do what you want), but I have a friend who just became a mother and breastfeeds in public (again, do what you want...your baby, your body). She gets mad when she does because she thinks "every guy is just trying to stare at [her] boobs." I never know what to tell…
Yeah, why doe$ it take $o long for NBA game$ to fini$h? It'$ not like $omeone ha$ to call timeout after a team $core$ two ba$ket$ in a row which then prompt$ a $ix-minute TV timeout. Furthermore, it'$ not like we have to $it through $ix minute$ of adverti$ement$ for the late$t Tom Crui$e or Tran$former$ movie during…
Is it wrong that I spent a good three-to-four minutes trying to imagine this?
Also, you've typed out the "f word" at least six times in your replies. Never said it though, eh? Okay.
And I can think of better ways to use my time than to try to convince the internet that I'm holier than thou. How do you know what you do/say when you're "piss drunk" or "high off [your] tree?" You don't. Maybe you've never said the "f word" or the "n word," but judging from your instantly-defensive tone, I'll bet…
Never said it, but very quick to type it out in conversations. Interesting.