
I think that if I would've seen any of these three young men out on the street, I would've probably thought to myself, "Shit, that guy is a rapist."

Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.

Yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and assume you're a goddamn liar.

I'll bet you love the NFL, don't you?

Looks like we've got a self-aggrandizing, bandwagon Blackhawks fan!

And you may enjoy it. Mine is just one opinion. Lots of people are really loving it. I don't know, I guess I'm kind of over the whole open-world games after logging hours upon hours in GTA5. Enjoy!

Sure did. It's gotten a little bit better the more I've played through it. Some of the skills you can upgrade are pretty cool when put to use. Will probably go ahead and finish it and then trade it in for Wolfenstein.



It was about two months ago. I had just bought an Xbox One and the guy said this was the game to buy for it. It's not a bad game, but it's not great. Like a poor man's version of GTA. I foresee myself trading it in before I even finish it.

Guy at Gamestop talked me into pre-ordering this game. I didn't know much about it at the time, but he assured me it was "the next big thing" in gaming. Reluctantly, I agreed to pre-order. Picked up today and played for about two hours after I got off work. I'm just wondering...does this game ever, you know, get

I'm not sure using the combination of "fucking" and "asses" towards high school boys would be wise at this juncture in coach's career.

Exactly. I'm pretty sure this dude hangs around Busch Stadium just to get his picture taken with drunken SLU girls. Dude is a massive tool.

You guys just don't understand. He's not gonna be a English major. He's just a everyday kid going out their to have a everyday normal teenage experience.

"It was getting really close to women. Like, straight up in their asses close..."

And "Boston Strong" never got commercialized until after the marathon, you ignorant piece of shit.

Probably because the play wasn't active. This was an incredibly dangerous and moronic thing to do. Fuck Boston. Fuck "Boston Strong." Nobody feels sorry for them.

Puppies are better than human children because puppies won't grow up to be raging, self-righteous assholes like you. Please tell us how many human children you have saved from hunger and homelessness.