But....where's the dog....?
But....where's the dog....?
I've crashed two weddings in my lifetime and nobody seemed to know or care. That said, we did not eat anything and we did not drink anything. We just came to dance.
Throw him in prison with Todd Bertuz-
Do your homework. Re: the hit against Huskins (first clip), the NHL released a statement the next day saying it was a legal hit. McKinnon and the rest of the Avs are a bunch of pussies, anyway. It'll be fun beating them next.
Absolutely right. I work in the field and when one of our consumers suffers from a psychotic episode, they are detained by CRT officers, taken to the psych ward of the local hospital, given some drugs, and less than 24 hours later, are right back with us. Repeat this cycle until something catastrophic happens. It's…
So what about those of us who are currently reading the books and are having them spoiled by assholes who watch the show? My social media feeds ruined the third book for me and apparently the fourth. You're damn right I'm going to be pissed about that.
Should've been filed to: "Things I saw on the internet a month ago."
Shut the hell up. All you goddamn Deadspin Mets apologists disgust us real baseball fans.
And yet, when a game is released with no multiplayer, people get all up in arms. No pleasing you types of people.
You must be new to Jezebel.
Sounds good. I've just started looking in to building a rig, but obviously want to do so on a budget. This seemed like a pretty good deal for the price, especially for a beginner. Keep up the good work!
Is the Logitech gear in the Best Buy bundle decent? Been thinking of building a starter rig to do a little PC gaming. Don't need anything too high-end, but don't want to skimp and get low-quality stuff.
We absolutely can.
Because Cincy players don't still boo Yadi. Do u even baseball, bro?
Yep. All 450 of them at the game yesterday.
You should post the same thing six or seven more time, you fucking dolt.
I tried to chime in on this conversation on Twitter and was met with just about the same vitriol by Park's supporters as Park herself is receiving from her dissenters. I was told that I basically don't have a dog in this fight because I am not a person of color, that I am "an oppressor," and a "white liberal…
I find myself yelling "Fuck you, Fraser" at many NHL games I attend, fully knowing Kerry Fraser isn't there.
Oof. +1