
Mr. Ley wrote an article earlier today criticizing media outlets who were picking and choosing stats and information to berate Yasiel Puig.

Good lord, this made my morning. Well done.

I'd add "Failed GQ Columnists" and "Jezebel Commenters."

"Of course, we could make a ton of Weezer-related jokes about this, but why bother?"

Well done.

Hockey fans have developed this defensiveness because of media types like you that only chime in to criticize them and occasionally throw in a good-faith article. The media has deemed the NHL a "niche sport" and continue to not cover it because God knows we have to have year-round NFL coverage to tell us which fat

Well at least Deadspin never criticizes Lebron Ja-

Somebody call the burn ward.

Does either console actually make this game...ya know....good?

My four-year degree only accounts for some of my arrogance. The rest of it comes from the degree I got after it. Doesn't have anything to do with my loyalty to a baseball team.

Who's whining? All I've said was that this was a classy move by Boston and that's how we're seeing it here in STL (obviously I can't speak for everyone, and I'm sure there are those who are still bitter). Deadspin needs to move on from this "Hate the Cardinals for no reason" bandwagon.

In a discussion about if this letter is a classy act or not, you respond with "Middle American Fucktard." Community college never taught you how to form a cogent argument, eh?