Angry Argonian Concubine

“Blinded by the white/calls cops like a douche/another racist from the right.”     

Look, being a pioneer is dangerous.

Now, all of a sudden, I can’t use it?”

Yeah, but they’re so small, lighting won’t be bright, (will people be drinking?) and some people have auto-responses to “creepy crawly” things (even if they say rats don’t bother them) and might smack one of them... who knows? This seems like a terrible idea on multiple levels. I’m going to go home and kiss my own

Rats are, indeed, THE BEST. They’re so cute and snuggly and smart!

I had a pet rat that knew her name and would pop up from wherever she was exploring when called. I’d take her for walks snuggled in my hoodie. I’d have to clean out her cache under my couch every few weeks - something would take her fancy and she would drag it into the corner under the couch and make a pile of stuff.

They giggle when you tickle them! I <3 rats!

I actually feel really, really bad for the rats in this situation. Poor babies are going to get stepped upon or something. :(

That’s my thought too. For years my husband has insisted he’s allergic to nuts. He’s not. A dermatologist told him when he was 15 not to eat peanuts because it would make his skin break out, which isn’t true. But somehow that translated into a peanut allergy. I’ve literally seen waiters jump to remove something he’s

I would rather have ten pet rats than one pet bird. Come at me.

How are they going to insure the rats are going to be safe? I hate it when animals get used as gimmicks.

They are wonderful, clean, loving little beings. I wish they lived longer.

There’s a new method being tested to reduce urban rat populations... birth control! A feed-thru oral contraceptive of sorts that prevents ovulation in girly rats. Scientists have developed similar oral contraceptives for wild horses, deer, and other animals whose population is normally “controlled” by hunting and

Rats are the best pet. I will fight someone over this.

I came here for the rat love.

Rats are the best!

I love my hometown boy made good Jim DeRogatis for relentlessly going after him. The music world continues to pretend R. Kelly is just a harmless perv and not a serial rapist and a pedophile, but DeRogatis will never ever let up on the ugly truth of that story, and I love him for it.

Wow! No, not fucking funny.

(IIRC it was Jim DeRogatis reminding everyone of the women children he raped and then intimidated into silence that made Kelly a pariah, and not the watersports.)

Doesn’t matter anyway. Even if she were literally shaking and wanting to cry, why does that make her too weak to be allowed on the internet in this person’s eyes? Shaking and wanting to cry aren’t such terribly overboard reactions to this story.