A house is not a cage. And yes it is absurd that pet cats are destroying song bird populations because their owners can’t be arsed to watch them and provide them with simple enrichment. Keep you cat inside or under your control. It’s not that hard.
A house is not a cage. And yes it is absurd that pet cats are destroying song bird populations because their owners can’t be arsed to watch them and provide them with simple enrichment. Keep you cat inside or under your control. It’s not that hard.
My wife and I adopted a 23 pound Maine Coon/Persian mix who spent the first one to two years of his life on the wild streets of Garden City, Kansas. All his freedom got him was horrible eye infections that nearly cost him his eyes and some horrible GI infection that gave him the most vile poop for about a year.
Cats should have cat things to do. Like climbing, socializing, grooming themselves and eating....all of which they can do inside.
I do agree that there are people who keep their cats inside and don’t provide adequate enrichment activities, and that is bad. But it is also VERY bad to allow cats (an invasive, predatory…
Hey now...let’s not go to that extreme. My kitties were feral and I brought them inside when they were about 9 months old and they lived to the ages of 18 and 19. They were the best kitties and I miss them.
If it was a plush cage with regular feeding, treats, absolute safety from other humans trying to take over and, me as basically king of the castle?
“You mean I get fed, live in safety and comfort? And all I have to do is stay inside? Sign me up!”—-Garfield, 1975
All three of my cats were indoor cats, and I have to say, my four bedroom home complete with a screened-in porch was hardly a “cage”.
My neighbors felt like that. Their cat got eaten by a coyote.
I both disagree (it is incredibly unsafe and damaging to the environment) and do not see how that is related to the article.
Respectfully, you are incorrect. Cats live longer, healthier lives indoors.
If you can convince your cat to be an indoor cat, please do. Free-range cats are detrimental to native wildlife. Most cats adapt very well to being indoor cats, or mostly-indoor cats. They can do cat things indoors, in an enclosed “catio”, or outside on a leash. The birds will have longer lives and so will the cats.…
My cat derives great joy from sitting in an upstairs window enjoying the breeze, glaring at birds, and pissing off the neighbor’s dog. Kitties do just fine indoors :)
Cats shouldn’t be left to run free to get run over by a car, injured by a dog, or to decimate local populations of birds and other small animals. Luckily, more counties are making laws about keeping cats inside.
It’s actually much safer for both the cats and the local wildlife if cats are kept inside, and cats can live perfectly healthy and much longer lives if they are kept inside. Not only is the risk of a cat being injured or killed very high if they are outside (I see a dead cat that’s been run over almost weekly in my…
My Mad Fat Diary is a really good show, and the main character is fat. She deals with self harm more generally but there is also a disordered eating component (it’s been a while since I saw it so I don’t remember specifics). In my opinion it deals with these issues really well while still centering typical teen…
Clearly if a black person falls in the woods and there isn’t a white person there to see it then it never happened. Science.
“it’s still made up use”