
For train nerds, this is basically like Babe Ruth jogging back into right field for the Yankees. The Big Boys were #1 on the “too big to restore, too big to operate” list, nobody thought it would ever happen. So this is pretty much a dream come true for our little fandom.

I’m not one to defend TS, especially at the expense of Beyonce, but isn’t it likely that this performance had been planned/rehearsed for months, and it was too late to change it up in the last few weeks since Homecoming was released?

Maybe marching bands are just awesome, and we can just celebrate mainstream celebs utilizing them in such high-profile ways.

I think it is her pre-coming out video. I mean, the queerness is just everywhere.

Video highlight:


That’s a huge donation for a local/state group. Good for her.

You’re still not right. And he’s not right either. Authoritarianism has nothing to do with socialism or conservatism. It’s a style of government that has equal opportunity to be conservative or progressive on social issues as well as socialist or capitalist on economic issues. 

Why have your own Navy when you control the Commander in Chief of another navy?

The Alfa this year is way better than last year’s Sauber.

I have no issues with non-invasive technology that does not impact the average concert goer’s enjoyment being implemented to protect someone from known stalkers and people who have expressed threats or intent to harm. 

TV says “No”

“Stop buying canned, chopped tomatoes.” “I don’t like this product, so you should stop using it.”
No. Also, no.
They’re extremely convenient and I make great spaghetti sauce with them. I DO WHAT I WANT!

My favorite of the cars I’ve owned was my ‘79 GMC pickup. It looked something like this.

That baby doesn’t like pink, pink has been thrust upon her.

Right, that’s it. You Yanks have gone too far this time.

Thanks for the neutrino line. I’ll keep that one in my pocket of one-liners for the rest of my life.

He added that Trump’s remarks were “idiotic.”

I gotta say, that rant took a very weird turn from social responsibility into eugenics real fast.

OK, since obviously Gulf, Martini and the Busch livery are all going to win, I thought I’d suggest some alternates.