
Can’t tell if trolling, or if these were just the only engines you could name...

Those features are already built into the car. If you bought the car, you’ve already paid for them! Charging a subscription fee to USE them is nothing more than a blatant cash-grab. Screw BMW!

Nah I can whine, especially after they told me they’d cover the cost outright. 

Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating

Everyone knows it will take a ton more money to actually restore. No one has pretended otherwise. So, no, they’re not doing this expecting no more money to be spent. They’re doing this to keep it afloat until they do decide what to do.

I’ve never seen Lando as entitled at all, he always feels so genuine and youthful, and respectful, that’s why I’m particularly a Lando fan here out of everyone.

Thank you for this! I couldn’t articulate it but this is my thinking too. I’ve always been on the fence about him because he can drive and he is young but that’s not really a good excuse anymore when you have young drivers like Lando Norris, George Russell and Charles Leclerc who don’t use their car as a battering ram

95% of the grid is ‘spoiled rich kids’ to one degree (LeClerc comes from money, but not MONEY), or another (Mazespin), and Verstappen is like a combination of the worst ‘born rich’ and the best talent (as opposed to Mazespin who is hella wealthy but couldn’t drive a bus).

I haven’t watched F1 for a few years, but when he came in he was raw, childish, a little aloof, and came off as a young guy very full of himself. I suppose he had every right to be, but it was off-putting, and i had other drivers to root for. Hamilton has made it pretty easy to cheer for.

That being said, I suppose Max’s antithesis or foil is Lando Norris.

Personally, I hope Max is shut out from ever being WDC. He just reeks of entitlement. I think Russell could help shut him out once he has a real car. Hold Max off a couple more years, and there will be a new wunderkid. 

He is Anakin Skywalker about 2/3 of the way through Revenge of the Sith.

Ahhh, where to begin. Honestly, it mostly comes down to his attitude. And I don’t just mean the guy’s a dick, that’s almost to be expected at the highest level of any sport. Unlike many other sports out there, motorsport in particular puts you in a place that is very dangerous to you and those around you.

Max is the distillation of all the worst traits common in F1 drivers:

What he means is “Capitalism” will not survive without more mindless consumers.

Right now there’s not much I can do. Grimes has a much bigger role than me.”

At least from what the girl’s mother said, I’d assume not, since she claims she’s been unsuccessfully trying to get her into special ed classes for some time now. There’s not a lot details in the linked story though.

Aren’t batteries better in colder temperatures?”

Yuppers to that take.  That’s why I want LH to get this 8th title so everyone can stfu about it.  Ham can live his life ‘asterisk-free’ with all the ‘fastest car’ bullshit.

F1 has a hard-on for Max.