
He reads like a silver-spoon little shit who thinks everything he does it correct because he’s Max Bloody Verstappen and he can do no wrong. Your assessment is pretty on the nose. I get that he’s still young and all, but it’s his just utter lack of regard for anything or anyone other than himself that rubs me the

As someone that drives around this area a whole lot, can confirm that the trucks and containers are an absolute menace. The roads in the area are already poorly maintained for all the heavy traffic they get, they aren’t designed to handle throughput like this, and it’s left the whole area as a giant mess of traffic

I still can’t believe they put an oil pipeline near such a busy shipping route where such a thing feels almost inevitable

Ford Contour with the 2.5 Duratec engine. These things are cheap as dirt and an absolute blast to drive (the only car the Top Gear guys all agreed was great) and the engine is a Porsche design that can make a lot of power for this little car if it gets some love.

My parents had one of these for years (and my brother had a 1992 Blazer, too) and while they had pretty terrible interiors and needed small fixes a lot, fundamentally they were great vehicles. They just kept on working no matter how abused they were. I have quite the fond feeling towards these things for the many

Ah yes, finally someone who understands my complete and utter loathing for HOAs. I can’t believe people willingly subject themselves to legally binding rules enforced by their (often petty and stupid) neighbors. As long as it isn’t a safety thing or something that directly impacts your neighbors property, you should

Everyone else has done a great job of poking holes in your argument from just about every angle, but I’m not actually convinced the USWNT would lose to many of the men’s teams. Sure, they don’t have the height, which would make set pieces more difficult, but Japan has proved you can still win (a lot) without that

Annnnnnnnd just like that, Jezebel is right back on the hating Taylor Swift train for no apparent reason. She is out there directing her fame and money towards pro LGBTQ causes and writing a catchy as hell song openly calling out homophobes and all you can do is criticize her? I know practically this whole staff can’t

Old airplanes get beat up and eventually through use in training and combat the airframe develops so many problems that it’s unfixable and unsafe to continue flying (it’s why you see old F-16s still used in reserve squadrons but never old F-18s, because the F-18s take a much harsher beating on carriers and they wear

I really dig the mid-2000s Renault livery from F1, besides all the obvious ones mentioned already.

He could have pushed for single-payer, and it would have failed. He would have spent all of his political capital on a bill that wouldn’t pass congress. The bill they did pass took MONTHS of political wrangling to get it to a state where a majority would vote for it. He chose to push for a bill that would actually

Most police are actually allowed to use phones while driving if it’s for their job. It’s not just them being jerks, like it is legitimately legally allowed. Cops also have WAY more training when it comes to driving and are thus far more prepared to use electronics and drive safely than the average person. 

Reminds me of a situation on a ride-along I went on. There was a guy with a gun who had spent the past hour running from the cops. I was in a car that was busy keeping people away from the situation so they weren’t in the line of fire. The officer I was with approached a car parked directly in the line of fire of

To add on to this very accurate comment, no one reports the hundreds of thousands of police-citizen interactions that happen without anyone rights being infringed upon every single day in this country. The vast, vast, vast majority of the work police do is entirely legal and would be defined as “good policing that

We got burned by watching the wealth that our families (parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc) has built over years of their working lives vanish. I specifically remember talking to my uncle at the height of the crash and he talked about how his portfolio went from great to basically worthless in a year. He

As a regular driver on I-10 through Arizona, I can say that it’s not empty very often, and even when traffic is relatively light for that stretch of road, you’ll still be dealing with a lot of people doing well over 100mph. Each one of those is a potential for a serious accident, especially if they don’t expect the

If you want closed cockpit and closed wheel racing, go watch prototype racing or something of the sort. The whole point of F1 is that the cars are designed in this specific way.

Her tour hasn’t been struggling at all, I was just at the show last night. It was sold out as far as I could tell and she even broke the concert attendance record for the stadium (60k people or so). Don’t be coming out here with those BS claims.

Female in my mid 20s and a perfect driving record, I pay a whole $640 per year for my 02' Buick. I would say I’m making out pretty good here. I can’t believe how much some of you pay in insurance.

Anywhere in the US you have to treat every “routine” traffic stop like the person behind the wheel is dangerous to some degree. Traffic stops are a major source of public interaction with law enforcement, and they are often how LE find people with warrants, drugs, illegal guns, revoked licenses, DUI, etc. So until you