Them? They’re engaged!
Them? They’re engaged!
“Fuck. So close.”
You’re copy-pasting your bullshit fucking post and giving yourself stars for it.
I dunno about Fredericton, but...
Thanks to the internet, wherever there are basements, there is a possible MRA lurking in a dank corner just past the washer/dryer unit pounding away on the computer he purchased from Best Buy.
Yep. The tiny house thing is very cool, and a really great option ... for SOME people with very specific circumstances. It’s not a solution for our country’s housing woes. There is a systemic problem here that needs to be dealt with.
Last week, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law a draconian bill that repealed every local LGBT…
Are you kidding me? Bevers is what you like best about the show? BEVERS?
As the little girl who was constantly getting pushed in pre-school, I agree. I cried about it at home, and not even so much because I was getting pushed, but because the teacher ignored it or told me it was just him flirting ‘cause I was pretty. (The boy made it clear it was because I was a girl, and girls don’t get…
Eh he won’t get to go to a normal school and have the chance to ruthlessly mocked for that ridiculous name.
You nailed it - she isn’t/won’t be affected by a single policy, cultural mentality or tradition that women are.
This whole ugly affair is turning into such a soap opera, but I am one gent who will not be deter’d
Maybe that needs to be a bill. No spending on equipment while there’s a backlog of untested rape kits.
LOL welcome to kinja purgatory... I’m sure you’ll still be getting replies a week from now... sorry!
She better devote a significant part of her life to assuring and reassuring him that it WAS HER FAULT.
MimiLaRue, you’re not awful. I am, because I caught myself sighing when I realized the mother was still alive.
Eh, come on up to Massachusetts! Are beaches are great (maybe a little cold, but whatever), seafood’s bitchin’ and our clinics are OPEN!!!
No one here gets out alive.
so tl;dr?