Israel Defense Information Ministry

Concur, scottmill. I can’t understand why Ugh would keep commenting on the same board for ten years.

dudebra gonna dudebra.

While I enjoy your passion, I do know that you are again, impotently posturing on the internet, and will do exactly nothing.

Meanwhile, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley had earlier slammed the whole hearing, basically saying being concerned about history is a massive waste of time.

I am going to post my replies here as well since sadly albeit predictably, the American Snowflake Left likes to dismiss powerful truths that make them uncomfortable.

Careful how you address the Israel Defense Information Ministry.

That was hurtful.

Forgive me, but I do not understand this reference.

As an Israel based lobbyist, we remain grateful that the American Truth campaign continues to focus on Maduro and Assad, and not on our very stern, but necessary, dealings with Palestine.

Good work, EstebanLoco.

“You do realize that campaign is funded by Philip Morris, right?”

America struggles to reconcile this inherent conflict between personal liberties and the greater good.

My guess is that you spent much time berating kids as you berate other commenters here.

Her tiger mom techniques have proven effective.

A general statement signifying nothing.

American Left.