
...Chrome “crash” and by crash you mean close and you have to re-open it.

“confident of one’s own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.”

At no point have I stated I was morally superior, I even fully admitted to using cheats to gain access to things I shouldn’t have. Making me a no good dirty cheater too.

How about realizing it’s not about me? I don’t even own GTAV because I think it sucked ass. Like, absolutely horrible game. Entirely over hyped and I’m amazed it’s gotten so popular.

However, maybe the problem stems from ruining the fun for others? These guys cut out the entire reason for going on an easter egg hunt,

What you’re talking about up there is content that was removed from the game, there was no way of finding it and no way to solve the mystery outside of cheating. It doesn’t apply to this situation.

You go into the files, right click and hit “Edit”.

The line? I would still call those cheating. Accessing something through

You can tell emotional states from text, idioms and the usage of bluntness? That is an amazing superpower, why are you on Kotaku and not out finding the Zodiac Killer?

You’re changing the definition of cheating, it applies to this situation as well.

Cheating is “the getting of a reward for ability by dishonest means or finding an easy way out of an unpleasant situation.”

“A technique that exploits a flaw or hidden feature in a video game or computer program.”

By the very definition of the word cheating, this is cheating. There is no arguing it.

Everything you listed off is cheating, not a single thing you listed there wouldn’t fall under cheating.

Play the god damn game, it’s really not that hard.

The best part here is that, if there were any clues, we won’t know now.

I know what Data Mining is and I know you do not.

They don’t exist because they’ve been made harder to utilize by modern consoles which can just straight up patch them out of existence.

Yeah, you see, a lot of the things you just mentioned were usually found because someone stumbled upon them eventually.

And things that are inaccessible do not count, they were removed

How about just not cheating? That too hard to ask people to do?

These were put in for people to find through exploration and experimentation, that is the point of these things. You ruin the experience by cheating. Just straight up cheating.

How about not being butthurt that people find this to be so stupid a thing to

Playing the fucking game.

Don’t try to justify cheating.

There probably were, but people are lazy and like the easy route instead.

That is a terrible attitude and absolutely horrible excuse. This could have been found and it would have been found without having to resort to cheating.

Yeah, great, we know it exists. At the cost of it being ruined by some asshole who cheated and ruined the fun out of finding the mystery.

I find this find to be really cool, but can’t help but feel the method of discovery took the fun out of discovering it. He just straight up cheated and that’s bad.

They, um, Gorillas do rape and they do brutally murder their own young and the young of, the best example.

Pandas, uh, Pandas also kill their young...and eat them.

We’re the only ones who catch things on fire, but I think that’s because we’re the only ones that know how. If a Gorilla figured out

I wouldn’t say Humans are, just some Humans are. I strongly believe that only a small percent (less than 1%) of Humans are monsters. The problem is that these monsters all seem to gather together when they think they are anonymous. So it just seems like they are more of them.

It is indeed a good start, meeting the President would probably be what they should do. I’m betting Obama would be thrilled to meet them too.

I think 4Chan has done fine, it’s just that /b/ is /b/, which by it’s nature is difficult to clean. So, for those who are not prepared for this, it’s not a very good place to be.

Most companies have such a relationship, you usually do if you’re serious about the safety of your userbase and others. That said, /b/ would

It was the best of days and the worst of days.

Gaia Online, 2010-2013.

General Discussion was (probably still is) a haven for bad behavior. One of our most infamous problem was a character going by the name of Vaginal Vomit, who we eventually forced off the site after he posted nude images of another underage member of the site.

He wasn’t arrested as far as I know,