
They said it right there, Initial D.

Although, in specific (just do a reverse image search in the future), it’s one of the games in the Initial D Arcade Stage series.

Wow, get fucked.

So, what you fail to mention is that none of these were actually serious contests. This was actually tongue-firmly-planted-in-cheek, the top image is from the 1930’s (in London) for heaven’s sake (which you’ll note means everyone in this image was around for the Flappers and thus are used to seeing Women’s ankles on a

Goodnight Mommy: Twin was dead the whole time

Remember: when placing a suspect in a light chokehold or frisking them against a vehicle, always ask if they’ve performed a monthly breast self-exam. There’s no awareness like the kind that takes hold in the back of a squad car.

Now playing

Advise against linking to version with shitty music in the future.

I don’t even see the issue here. All of this just comes off as standard rage.

In a campaign FAQ, Invictus affirms that he’s not a fascist, doesn’t mind black people and women voting, per se...

Your “tl;dr” is almost the same size as what you said in the first place....this isn’t how that works.

I am relying on the evidence presented, nothing more. You do not understand how this works.

You are using “conflated” wrong, so we’re off to a bad start.

So, your argument is, “I’m right because you can’t prove me wrong?”

Are you five?

Here is the information as presented:

She heard something outside, went outside to see what it was and was confronted by a bear.

After that point, from the video, the best that can

I heard something outside as I ate my lunch, and well, I never got to go on that hike.

Oh, hey, Regular Show.

39,621,803 people seem to think the Pubes is funny, but it doesn’t mean I agree with them.

What I’m getting at is that you should be ashamed of yourself for using that fallacy.

(Pubes does suck though, but that’s my opinion.)

Now playing

There are plenty of videos like this. This is exactly what you need to do when confronted by a bear. You stand where you are AND YELL AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS.