
That is a great idea, I’m putting that on my things to look into tomorrow morning list. I have to figure out if the local t-shirt place will be willing to print them.

I have spent a very longtime convincing myself it was just some kind of surreal show, it’s better than the alternative. I can’t fathom living in a world where that had happened for real.

I love that quote, one of my co-workers had that quote printed out and framed, put it over the entrance to our floor. Was a pretty

I try to have hope, realizing it’s all just the bad apples, but man...there sure were a lot of them. Had to leave, needed therapy. You can not believe what three years of seeing stuff like this does to you. No amount of money in the world man.

To add to that image, he had a top hat on too. It was surreal, creepy and

Pretty much.

Also, I can top you reading a story about a man disemboweling his girlfriend.

I once worked for a social media website for teens in 2010-2013. During this period I’ve seen cats being lit on fire, babies being molested, a lovely tapestry of a woman with a broom handle shoved up her vagina and the left side

Anime is Angel Beats and that never happens in it, that’s just a really funny shop.

Child porn, murderers posting photos of their kills and the like.

Nice bike, really can’t claim it challenges the laws of physics though.

Hey, hey, don’t insult us cock-suckers. :c

He also noted that Clancy had offered to speak to CureFest at its next event, and had invited the group for a tour at the Secret Service’s training facility.

Apparently it was too hard for you to do that. Oh I did that Google Search, you really do have to search for an actual bomb as Google doesn’t really like to display real ones.

Oh I know and it’s completely irrelevant to the discussion, why hiding them behind the panels means anything is beyond me. There is no backing

They really really weren’t right, the lack of explosives should really have been the tip off. They are supposed to be smart enough to realize you need an explosive to make a bomb, by definition.

None of those parts are needed for a time bomb, none of them. You literally don’t need them. You only need to make a circuit

It’s a clock and you need explosives to make a bomb, that’s what defines a explodes.

It has a power cord, on looking it should be fairly obvious it requires an external source of power in order to run. You’ll note, bombs do not need power cords to run. You give them a quick signal and they blow up.

This is what a suitcase bomb can look like:

It’s a demolition charge ignitor.

Demolition charge ignitor, not a bomb.

That is a demolition charge ignitor, not a bomb. Educate yourself.

....This actually looks pretty funny....

Now I really want a Fallout horror game.

They gave a decent reason, that is almost immediately destroyed later on when they depict no one else the same way.

Coulda just said they wanted to add T&A, the honesty woulda been fine, but nope.

Nickelodeon, right?