I actually already knew that I loved it when I ordered it, I have some friends that have one in the guest room. I think they do have a pretty good tryout period if you want to give it a shot!
I actually already knew that I loved it when I ordered it, I have some friends that have one in the guest room. I think they do have a pretty good tryout period if you want to give it a shot!
Ah, I just bought their mattress (my first king size), so expensive but so comfortable!
Bless this quest into a young music lover’s heart.
This is a good take and I support it. Good job #kids!
Oh 4 Lokos original was while I was in college. 4 Lokos challenge was still a thing, because most people didn’t finish their fourth. You just blacked out and puked somewhere presumably.
This suggestion is good and right to the benefit of all. For my imagination. I cannot imagine Halle kissing Keanu. Nope nope.
I am here for this complaining. I’ve never actually done a hot yoga class, but I’ve been in the class before where you’re the one who’s supposed to heat the room up and the a/c is turned off. In Houston. In summer. Last time I do that.
And lastly, but most importantly, Kevin’s parents were $$$. They absolutely have wi-fi cameras in their house now, so that can obviously see that Kevin is there in .3 seconds. Unless somehow the city of Chicago is hit with an EMP and both the internet and phone services are down simultaneously, this movie doesn’t work.
I’m so happy that you are out there teaching it <3
Don’t worry! I read it again a few years ago, and it was still enjoyable.
I think it’s more of a “girl does boy things = good” sort of criticism. But that’s ignoring the rest of Tamora Pierce’s work, which at a cursory search, seems to work at inclusivity (feel free to disagree with me, I’ve really only deeply read the one series).
Yeah there definitely are, but it was nice to have when I was young. I still love the magic that took a color depending on who cast it!
(This theory) is explained in the book. He ate what he thought was an edible plant, but after his body was found, the autopsy discovered along with his journal that it was a type of plant that can prevent nutrient absorption. So, the sicker he got, he wasn’t able to forage. So he starved, but he starved quickly…
For folks who live in the Boston area, I am perpetually jealous that you have access to Downeast Cider. That stuff is liquid gold.
Also, if these people DID steal a shirt (which they did not), they are continuing to spend money at your establishment, and they are getting engaged, which is a nice marketing moment. They’ve brought a big group of friends to spend money with them. Snap a photo, and have them sign a waiver. Write off the cost of the…
I feel like this is good advice for anyone who enjoys/creates anything. Reddit will put you so far up your own ass that you will forget which way is up.
SO true!