Starred for “puckered butthole sewer lips”.
One more option that I see a LOT where I live. If you aren’t a SAHM with a spouse making a large income, then the job that you have is merely to provide for the added daycare/healthcare costs.
I don’t either. The whole thing was jaw-dropping. The burns. Getting impaled. The MACHINE he forced her to work on. I was just low key screaming reading the whole thing.
Wow. What a total shit.
I live in Texas, and make a lot of queso. WHO AMONG YOU PUTS CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP INTO QUESO?? I literally had never heard of this until someone mentioned it to me today. NO THANK YOU WHITE PEOPLE.
Neither is the rise in sexual crimes since 11/16, as I saw this lovely news this morning.
“Don’t drink and scoot” LOLOLOLOL as if they haven’t seen the drunk people downtown on their scooters. Especially the blocks that are partitioned off.
I like the topographical look of some of these, helloooo capes!
Agreed. And it’s not like you spend every night with your child from 0-18 anyway. This is hilariously aspirational, and I give it 3 years before she realizes what a dumb idea this was.
Nice, thanks. I knew that about tuna, but for some reason the idea of canned oysters has never appealed to me.
I live near the coast, and don’t typically buy canned, smoked oysters. Do you have a recommendation that I should try?
What do you think about Bran being able to warg into the ice-dragon? I’m currently on a re-watch prepping for April, but I’m not sure there’s precedent for a “dead” animal. But it’s magic so I dunno.