
I know in my brain that all of the crimes that Trump has committed will never matter to his supporters, but this pettiness from his longtime personal lawyer - I am here for it.

Starred for “puckered butthole sewer lips”. 

It just blindsides you, I tell ya!

One more option that I see a LOT where I live. If you aren’t a SAHM with a spouse making a large income, then the job that you have is merely to provide for the added daycare/healthcare costs.

I don’t either. The whole thing was jaw-dropping. The burns. Getting impaled. The MACHINE he forced her to work on. I was just low key screaming reading the whole thing.

Wow. What a total shit.

Yes! It is SO good but so difficult to get through. I kept expecting someone to die or get murdered!

I live in Texas, and make a lot of queso. WHO AMONG YOU PUTS CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP INTO QUESO?? I literally had never heard of this until someone mentioned it to me today. NO THANK YOU WHITE PEOPLE.

Hahahaha OK. Come on skin cancer, where are you when we need you? A lifetime spent under tanning beds should be a guarantee!

Neither is the rise in sexual crimes since 11/16, as I saw this lovely news this morning.

“Don’t drink and scoot” LOLOLOLOL as if they haven’t seen the drunk people downtown on their scooters. Especially the blocks that are partitioned off.


I like the topographical look of some of these, helloooo capes!

Agreed. And it’s not like you spend every night with your child from 0-18 anyway. This is hilariously aspirational, and I give it 3 years before she realizes what a dumb idea this was.

I’m amazed that I indeed recognized this reference.

...abortion has become available in 22 of Ireland’s 26 counties with barely any fuss...

Nice, thanks. I knew that about tuna, but for some reason the idea of canned oysters has never appealed to me.

I live near the coast, and don’t typically buy canned, smoked oysters. Do you have a recommendation that I should try?

What do you think about Bran being able to warg into the ice-dragon? I’m currently on a re-watch prepping for April, but I’m not sure there’s precedent for a “dead” animal. But it’s magic so I dunno.

Favorite encounter <3