
I am also on this pro-Sam team. He gets such a bad rap, but it’s because he’s a normal dude living in a vicious fictional country. He saved Gilly and little Sam! He didn’t know that that spear head could kill the walker, but he charged him anyway. And he saved Jorah! I don’t think I have the stomach for that

Actually, Arizona seems to be ahead of this. If they are convicted, then their parental rights can be terminated (usually by the victim, in this case it sounds like her family would).

That’s exactly what I thought! If she can’t say “I’m pregnant” to the staff caring for her, then she can’t consent! There’s no tip toe around this one, and I hope they DNA test the staff so they can prosecute that fucker (unless it was a visitor).

I am so excited for you to potentially be able to travel a lot more! I share your concerns about it taking too long (though for me, this would be true in any amount of time), but I don’t think it will be that long. Think of the amount of drunk drivers that will be removed from behind the wheel, and where your commute

I am also here for this bar fad. Tiki cocktails are amazing! Bonus points if it includes coconut milk, so re-hydrating!

Things go badly no matter what you do, and no matter how much pontificating the episode offers on the nature of free will, the narrative never reaches a satisfying conclusion...

Honestly, eating in town is the only way I can keep Arthur at “average” weight. Those canned beans and venison over a fire just don’t cut it.

This is an A+ Christmas memory and I am very jealous of your Talkboy.

How horrendous. But good for this UT student for coming forward. I interned at the Texas Capital when I was at school, I’m not sure I would have had the chutzpah to come forward if it was me. :( I hope something ACTUALLY happens because of this.

You never know what will happen!

We have to have Israel in order to be able to usher in the end times! That must be our first priority! /s

Dismissing dumbasses here!

Of course I sign them. I’m saying that it’s ridiculous and a breach of your first amendment rights. I can’t be against something if I want to do business with Texas?

It has to do with working with/purchasing from businesses outside of the state. Would you be doing any of that?

I work with a company that does a lot of purchasing for schools and governments in Texas, this certification is everywhere. It basically prevents you from doing any sort of public business unless you sign a document saying you support Israel. It’s fucking ridiculous. Right above the no foreign terrorist organization

False. Diane is the real winner, always.

Sounds like silly putty in our house! You were some creative kids making paint with it.

I’m so glad someone else is asking this important question. Girl is in “fashion”, and her outfit looks like her mom doesn’t like her very much, and asked her to wear it for school photos.