
Can confirm, bought a Fingerling and a Play Dough set for my niece (both reasonably priced), thank goodness I don’t have to deal with anything that poops goo.

That’s fair, though the chocolate oranges usually hold up well since they’re “fresh” for Christmas. I’ll still take a little dry dark chocolate over the cloying sweetness that is milk chocolate any day. 

This is correct. *Dark* chocolate oranges.

Poor guy. :(

I feel you.

In no way am I trying to detract from the impact of your message, but I had to add this .gif. I think of it all the time, and wonder why people are continuously shocked by bad decision making in the church.

I am now furious that I do not live in Glasgow and cannot have their doughnut pairing. BOOOOO

This is a really sweet story, and a great photo!! So glad you were able to meet him at this crucial point in your life. (And a little jealous.) Hope you’re in a much better place!

Woah. No need to rehash right here, but have you ever shared this story before?

So, so terrible. No thank you, all the way around.

This is my actual nightmare. If I was in hell, this is what I would be doing. Your poor friend. :(

I’m actually thrilled to have a husband who isn’t preachy about anything, but just DOES half of the house work. We don’t have children, and I don’t feel like I take on more emotional labor at all. We are both faaaar from perfect, but we have this in sync, and I’m so grateful all the time.

Bah! Hadn’t even seen them. Thanks for the heads up!

This is correct. I visited once knowing someone that lived there.

A spokeswoman for the agency named Jennifer Elzea maintained, “ICE takes very seriously the health, safety and welfare of those in our care.’

Ugh, I know. Even if it’s just fish, they really write the best family scenes.

Somebody tell me this was cross-posted to Jalopnik.

Monsters, Inc. is Pixar! It’s actually my favorite (unpopular opinion), but I loved the idea of monsters being *real*, and the artistic direction was incredible. The doors were all unique! And the monsters are just hysterical.

Interesting. I love Ratatouille because I love the food. Wall-E is great because they make you care about a cockroach and robots. You should watch Up in its entirety, it really is one of the best, but Coco is by far my favorite on this list. The ending always gets me! I was just openly weeping the first time I watched