
Yeah, I was reading all of these comments and flashing back to this summer, when I was painfully going out of my way to let the hotel know that I was taking food away from their beautiful dining room because my husband was sick. And you know what? Everyone was nice about it because I was being polite. This person seems

But are you eating breakfast and packing your second breakfast as well? If no, then you’re still just packing the one meal to eat later and it’s fine. If yes, then it’s probably just their pained sense of don’t-piss-off-the-customer (and probably rewards member) that is having them say yes, and you should just take

Terrifying!! Glad you’re OK Tap-Dancin!

I actually love making food that I see featured! I’ve stood by the Beatty’s Chocolate Cake recipe for years, it is so good. I’ve recently gotten into Korean Food Made Simple, she does a really great job taking old recipes and converting them for American audiences.

Honestly, she just doesn’t know how to cook very well. All her recipes are bland AF. And she lives on a ranch! So much potential! Also BC’s comment, I haven’t heard it, but I’m not surprised. 

Lost in Space is fine and all, but Black Sails! He’s amazing! And he’s Maggie Smith’s son!

You saw Toby Stephens?? And you only know him from Lost in Space???

Yes, some of my good friends were flying with their infant daughter (who’s around 10 now) when she had a severe allergic reaction to just peanut dust in the air on the plane. She had no direct contact, but just the particles released when everyone opened them at the same time almost killed her. 

And it’s also been under construction since... I was born? Basically impossible to get in and out of. 

I don’t disagree with any of this, I just wanted to add, that this report would be the best Christmas present ever.

That seems totally reasonable. There are still people where I live who don’t lock their doors!! I’m not paranoid or anything, but that’s just basic safety! Especially after hearing about a rapist who would only go into places that were unlocked, he saw it as a “sign”.

This would actually be even more terrifying for someone who is hearing-impaired/deaf. The whole story is around someone not hearing another person :(.

My friend Shelly had my head in her lap, and she was crying and saying, “Don’t fall asleep. Don’t die on me. Don’t give up.” I remember thinking, Oh, you’re so dramatic, Shelly. I’m fine. I just want to go to sleep. I’m cold.

So happy to vote for her and the rest of the democratic ticket yesterday!! Not sure how many we’ll get in office, but turnout has been HUGE in early voting the last few days! Texas - maybe we won’t completely fuck things up this time!!

Funny story, Mr. Jive’s house actually burned down (before I knew him) due to some faulty wiring in the attic. Nobody was hurt, thankfully, since there were a few people in the house. But nothing escaped the flames, not even his car (which they didn’t total, but replaced every piece on it except one, the key slot on

It isn’t complex, but time consuming. And for everyone that can take a leisurely stroll into the office around 9:30, that probably works great. But for the rest of us, if I don’t have to wake up at 4, I’m not going to.

Alternatively, how about I don’t wake up at 4 AM to have a ludicrous morning routine. I wake up, get dressed, have a little breakfast, and get on the road like a normal person. 

The editorial board is laughably bad. I just don’t know who they have approving those articles.

So, my alarm clock goes off around 6:30, and I’m up and getting dressed just after that. I get about 8 hours a night. But... I have to be at work. I don’t have time to dick around. What are these people’s schedules that they can work out for an hour and make breakfast??