
On my excursion, our group had a vegetarian. That poor girl ate nothing but white rice, squash, and eggs for six weeks. And she spoke virtually none of the language. And almost got lost using the bus (and was saved by some very nice English speakers). I’m just... not entirely sure what she was thinking when she made

This is the truest thing. And I live in a red state, we need ALL of the little victories we can get.

Either that, or a wealthy Chinese family. It is *right* next to The Mandarin. I can see that being a big up-sell.

This tho.

If by *heavy glaze* you mean you can actually feel your arteries clogging after the first bite, then this is accurate!

Also recently back from Scotland - The Botanist is REALLY GOOD. Edinburgh Gin is also heavily marketing canned cocktails (which are tasty, had one at the open). 

Wow, is there a word for crying while clapping?

Well this was a whirlwind, and I guess I’m a little confused. They call him by name in the transcript without his permission and he’s not willing to come forward?

And now I just get to live with that horrific GOT ending.

both of Paranormal Activity 3 and the documentary Catfish

So true. He’s comedy gold.

Also, Jason Statham is a treasure. That is all.

Spy is also just endlessly quotable. At least for me.

I don’t know how they did it, but from the first time you see that stupid goat, you know that thing is Satan. Maybe it’s those creepy kids following it around. And that it’s name is “Black Philip”. WTF goat owners, are you TRYING to summon the devil?

Objectipowered I call it.

Ratatouille knows best.

I’ll one up you with Mounds or Bounty bars. I used to LIVE for Bounty bars.

Haha it really was, and this is the first season I’ve watched in a while. It was ruined for me right at the very beginning, by the brother in Hong Kong, who was for an unknown reason making sad duck-face into his dad’s camera.

I understand that. But you’re telling me that in Washington DC, in a hospital housing the POTUS (assuming it’s already been picked in case of an event like this), there’s no secret service personnel to turn of the phone access to outside lines in the event of a bomb threat? OK then.