
I’m more concerned with Ubi touting their “brutalpillaging and raiding. While that might be historically accurate for the time period, I find it harder to justify acting as a protagonist who destroys the livelihoods of others for simple conquest and expansion. We tend to call those people the villains in most games

You should always step back and ask yourself: “Are we the baddies?”

I never really got into FF as a series, so watching this as someone with no nostalgia for the content... meh?

What’s with the blighted hellscape that is your face?

Ah yes, the MBMBAM rancho parade. In the immortal words of Justin McElroy: actually, fuck this.

Or the fact that they’re still wearing pants the whole time.

You absolute madman.

Sounds like they’re betting on people confusing it with both the Elder Scrolls AND Dark Souls. Two for the price of one!

Rune Factory 4 is a great whimsical time-sink if you ever loved Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley, and a Switch version was just released a few weeks ago.

Send in suggestions for Pokestops. They won’t add new ones unless the community suggests them. They’re “supposed” to be local landmarks, but as long as you make the photo and description convincing enough, it can be anything. For example, there’s one in my city called “Toothy the tooth” and it’s literally just a

Letter 1 set off alarm bells in my head the longer I read it, and I’m sorely disappointed that the doc didn’t call him out on his horseshit. Anyone who claims to be a gentleman and blames the boogeyman of feminism and his supposed submissiveness for not maintaining a partner’s interest long-term is not someone who

Too late to edit my previous reply, but here’s an example from reddit:

Fine line and dotwork tattoos only look good for a few months. The tiny micro dots and skinny lines blur outward or fade entirely, even from known industry names like Bang Bang and Dr. Woo.

I appreciate Hevriings trying to make sense of that absolute rat’s nest of a hairstyle on adult Felix, because what the fuck even was that.

Hard disagree on the steel weapons; unless it’s someone like Edelgard whose speed is so far down the shitter that she’s going to get doubled by everyone anyway, it’s not worth the weight penalty. You’re much better off forging the iron weapons into their iron+ versions, especially since you end up with so many

I think Sayonara Wild Hearts blew every other game out of the water when it comes to original music; to see it lose to games like Control and Death Stranding in music-related categories (in this and other previous award shows) just blows my mind.

So if I’m understanding this correctly, the new content isn’t a self-contained route unto itself? As in, if I start a Silver Snow file, I’ll be completing that route AND the new content?

From my experience as a childfree person, the ones who claim to not want kids because of the environment or state of the planet/government are just using that as an easily-palatable facade. Sometimes it really does just boil down to “I don’t want them because I would hate living that life” but it’s not socially

As a childfree person, this is first-date conversation material. “Oh my god, but talking about it so soon will scare people away!!” Yeah. Exactly. It scares away the people who WANT KIDS. I can’t take a person who wants kids and convince them to see my side, because all the logic in the world won’t change a decision

Not the OP, but I don’t really find this type of information useful because it doesn’t get to the heart of the question. Most of the concern isn’t about whether you can instantly have a max-level character; it’s about whether the game has changed so drastically over the course of a decade that it would basically