
Even for a cat though, a 50 mile scrotum-first ride is gonna be uncomfortable.

Yup, and to anyone who says “it’s just an old shitter anyway” or “I can get my phone replaced under insurance”, you’re missing the important point. Every time a criminal is successful it makes crime more appealing to them, like patting the head of a dog who just brought the ball back. We all have a civic duty to make

Those low profile tires aren’t going to help the gearing any, are they? This thing must scream in the highway.

Cross-shopped an Octavia with the Accord Euro Tourer I eventually bought and the noise on the open road was the deal-breaker. Common topic on Skoda forums and nobody has found a solution. Rode nicer and probably has less rattles than the Honda though :(

I used to take the calls for a donated car charity. Since our mission was to actually fix them I had to turn down every Caravan that was offered to us. My first question was always about the tranny and the donor’s answer was always the same. Tauruses too. Doesn’t matter how nice the rest of the car is if the local

And you’ll get odd looks from the older generation if you ask for a “napkin” instead of a “serviette” as the former is a feminine hygiene product.

It’s not even brown.

Fictional accident? The Damascus missile explosion was an actual event.

Absolutely. Most of the fleet in the station I worked at (Burlington, VT) would have done less than ten miles a day. With park-and-loop delivery the vehicle is often running two or three minutes at a time and is probably on the cold circuit of FI almost all the time, an emissions nightmare. Oil probably never got warm

Still recall seeing a black one of these in Boston in 1985 with “MADMAX” plates on it. What a cool car.

Sick burn!

Ooh, burn!

Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

Other than the 355 and the 512, this was just a parade of late model cars. Where’s all the good stuff?

I get the Escort and the Mustang II, but damn, there’s a 2002 up there.

Here in NZ we have another great reason - tourists. Most of them come from countries that drive on the wrong side of the road and head on collisions involving tourists are shockingly common. Also very common for tourist drivers to stop and take pictures without bothering to fully remove their vehicle from the road. We

Saw this one the other day, first I’ve seen that wasn’t blue/red/aqua. The metallic brown was stunning. Everyone in the family got the Wants.

A running SVX sure is. Mate has one here in NZ, they are almost Italian levels of maintenance and fussery.

More recent shots from NZ: