
Now let pi-ano black on the interior die (DIE!) and then we’re talking,

Simple, count the number of letters on the trunk.

Ok, so let me get this straight: He’s posting the videos of a group of masked people engaging in illegal activities, on Instagram (and potentially other platforms)?

and it looks like it was shot with the same cameras as they used from the original show.

Because when Jackoff crashes his helicopter because he was too busy paying attention to getting an awesome “frag” on the Lamborghini, a bunch of money has to be spent investigating, then a bunch of money has to be spent cleaning up the crash site, then someone has to pay for the hospitalization, the legal battles with

And we still have no idea what gender the baby is going to be.

Well, yeah, if you do the paperwork and file for the permits, and make sure you do it with safety paramount in mind and not pulling some John Landis shit, then you can do all sorts of crazy shit and it is legal. But that is expensive to do, and not cool or edgy.

Any predictive model always comes down to the assumptions… when the assumption is: “if I tell Elon the Porsche wins, I will get fired.” then you end up with results like this.

Well even so, put some sort of acceleration limiter or something on these things. They are so fast and so damn heavy.  The potential to cause a ton of damage is huge. 

I have a litany of posts on this website over the past year predicting this painfully obvious outcome.

I have enormous confidence in the technical ability of the porn industry.

I like it better when they meow when they pull you over

LOL at paying a mark-up on a Mach-E. My local, small town dealership has 13 2023s still on the lot and they are all marked down $11,500 from MSRP. 

It is hard to believe there is a markup on any Nissan.

Or... for $300k there are a lot of amazing drugs I would buy instead.

Sue them into the century. Decreasing regulations was and always has been a stupid idea. Let the Republicans move there, let them start growing arms out the tops of their heads. Let’s see how fast they start whining and crying. What a mess they have brought to our country and its citizens. Agine, sorry for the rant

Welcome to the Libertarian world of environmental protection!

Follow up question, how many other alarms has the company ignored, both literal and HR related? From the various plants I’ve worked on, safety and protocol tends to either get followed closer than religion or it looks more like this company. Either way, being driven by the attitude of local management.

Between 4:59 and 7:46 p.m. on July 29, the tank operator overrode the waste treatment alarms 460 times, or about once every 20 seconds, according to the notice. Another “high level” alarm was recorded at 11 p.m

I think it’s important to note that the P540 Superfast Aperta is a pretty faithful homage to the one-off Fantuzzi-bodied 330 LM Spyder known as the “Golden Ferrari.”