
Greetings from Nuh Zillun. Some of these are taken a couple years ago.

Get thee to a vintage F5000 race. Oh, my heavens.

Until I saw the 854 badge and read the text, I thought it was just a mirrored firewall. Which it is, but also...

No kidding. One of the things I hated most about our ‘05 Civic was the dash rattles. Figured by ‘13 they’d have it sorted but our Accord Euro wagon has at least two. WTF Honda. At least both are dead reliable, and the Accord is as sexy as the equivalent Audi at half the price.

Paradise? Welllll, the roads are a bit shit (especially here in post-quake Christchurch), the standard of driving ability is roughly Florida, we have speed cameras, and cops don’t let you off for speeding. Oh, and gas costs over twice the US cost. Due to import restrictions, pre-90's Euro cars are rare. Bonus though,

Can this overstretched tire thing just die already?

My wife thought I was strange for covering the Honda logo on the steering wheel with electrical tape but it was giving me the twitch. Why put shiny stuff in the driver’s line of vision? I’d think this would be day 1 of Interior Design 101. Just nuts.

I was handed the keys to one on a sunny Vermont day and it was hands down one of the best days behind the wheel, and that includes a blast over a mountain pass in a 308. I was offered it for the princely sum of $17k, which I probably could have scrounged but had no garage at the time.

Likely meth precursors like pseudoephedrine

One of my father’s colleagues was involved in a lawsuit against Subaru years ago. She got in a bad accident, the Subie caught fire, and her legs were badly burned. Her suit alleged the fire was much worse due to the difficulties the fire crews had extinguishing the fire. She won.

The spec for inflating the spare is to pump it to 42 psi. There is a valve in it that won’t let you use the window washer if the pressure goes below 26psi.

We have that on our 90's diesel Nissan flat-deck at work (NZ). I had to write the gear pattern on top of the column so I don’t have to lean sideways while I’m driving it. If you only drive it a few times a year it doesn’t become second nature. It is sprung a bit towards the higher gears to make it harder to zing the

Had a quick look at one of those when we were shopping - that rear looks nice but that hatch is too tiny to be useful.

My father worked with a woman who won a suit against Subaru after being trapped in hers after an accident. Her legs were badly burned when it caught fire. Tires are pretty miserable to put out once they get going. My 79 had the spare underhood - it was pretty dried out when I bought the car.

Many of those ill-fated Cavaliers served a year or two in Japan and were promptly exported to New Zealand. We buy heaps of ex Japan cars here and you still see a fair few Cavaliers about, along with all sorts of oddly named Japan-market cars.

You can own guns here, there are loads of guns in NZ. You need a police interview to own a gun, and if you even think of the words “self-defense” during the interview its a fail. Guns and ammo must be locked at all times. Handguns are harder, you must be a member of a pistol club and can only transport the weapon

Petrol is roughly twice the US price here. Auto insurance is cheaper as we don’t have personal liability lawsuits here.

Technically, “tyres” because Australia.

I worked with four or five people who bought into the “Saturn mystique” in a big way, one going so far as to drive down to the Saturn Homecoming at the factory. After having a ride in one, I was confused what the big deal was - just seemed like another bland mushmobile, but with some clever marketing. My biggest gripe