
:( That's sad. I've never dated a guy who wasn't totally eager about oral sex for both parties. I've dated a lot of guys too, so I guess I'm just really lucky. I had my own hang-ups with letting a guy go down on me at first (yay culture that says lady bits are icky!), but I got over them eventually.

While "think of the innocent children!" is an idiotic response, I do think that magazines with covers like this help to train young boys that women are sexual objects for their use. So. Land's End fucked up, and they responded reasonably well. However, that last comment is the only one that says anything worthwhile

Whelp, I bet they were amused by all those times the boyfriend and I made NSA jokes during our skype hanky panky time.

I feel like they're a 4Chan hoax. It's too similar to the ridiculous twitter nonsense and such...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *deep breath* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *wipes away a tear* Your ignorance is amazing.

If he never got vaccinations, he probably has distemper. Poor kitty. :(

Cool. Since MY religion tells me that procreation is a sin, everyone who works for me must buy and use birth control.

Religious freedom does not equal the freedom to force your personal beliefs on others. What if I say that my religion mandates the use of birth control, and the procreation is a sin? Should I be able to require everyone who works at my company to use birth control? No. Think of it like this: my freedom to swing me

Are you just trolling, or are you legitimately that stupid?

Vanity sizing is BS. That being said, the Asian market is HUGE, and a lot of women over there are pretty small (genetics, yay!). So I wouldn't be surprised if they increased the measurements of their clothing while maintaining the same size numbers, and then went, "Oh crap, now there's this giant market that can't

WANT. All of it. Except for that rug looking nonsense.

You're incorrect about meditation. There are LOTS of kinds of meditation, not just the "clear your mind" variety. There is walking meditation, there is seated meditation. You can meditate lying down or while working out. This idea that meditation is only where you sit in the lotus position for hours going

Monkey Rolls! That's what we called them when I was a kid. Use to do them all the time. So much fun! :D

Huh. I always wanted to be Scary Spice, because I thought her hair was THE BEST (I have super straight hair and always wanted curls when I was a kid). My friends tried to tell me I couldn't be her, because I didn't look like her, and that I should be Sporty Spice instead, who I did apparently look like. :/

I really want to like these photos, but I just can't. WHY ARE HARDLY ANY OF THE WOMEN ACTUALLY DOING ANYTHING COOL AND RELATED TO THEIR GODDAMN SPORT WHILE THE MEN ARE ALL "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME. I'M A BADASS." Seriously. This. This right here is a PERFECT example of how women are sexualized differently than men.

My guess is that they'll be referred to as "nurse" when women who are CEO's, engineers, etc. are no longer referred to as "female CEO/engineer/etc."

I fucking hate "Cats." Listening to it is like taking a cheese grater to my eardrums. No thank you.

Way to make blanket statements there, buddy. Not only have you painted all feminists with the same extremist brush, you've also made the assumption that men are incapable of being feminists. Your kind of "discussion" is completely useless to actually solving any problems.

No it doesn't. It talks about the use of qualifiers when discussing achievements of each sex. It specifically says to qualify everything or qualify nothing. That's why we should say "male CEO" if we are going to say, "female CEO." It has NOTHING to do with demanding equal comparison in terms of physical capability

Well, for some of us, our families are ENORMOUS (seriously, his mom is one of NINE kids), and they would pretty much murder us both if we even thought about eloping. We are currently trying to figure out how to have a wedding for less than $10,000 while still being able to actually invite our friends and not just