
Yeah, my boyfriend and I are designing our wedding/engagement bands (just one ring for each of us) with a local jeweler, and I think it's going to cost a bit less than 5K for the pair. $5,600 for one engagement ring is absurd, though I've seen rings more expensive than that too. Frankly, I think they look rather

1. Health care decisions in the event of catastrophe fall to me, and not his crazy right-wing family.
2. Visitation rights in the event of health catastrophe are only extended to family members at first.
3. Buying large things involving loans is easier.
4. I like the idea of making a public and ceremonial commitment to

They pay them? So THAT'S why they're out there during work hours. I always wanted to yell, "GET A JOB!" at them, but now I'm kind of glad I didn't. :/

Once, my friend and I were walking down a street in our old neighborhood, an area of the city with some cute independent shops and such, when this group of extremely hipstery guys walks by us, leering the entire way. When we got about 15 feet from them after passing each other, one of them says (really, really,

I'd love to go to a bachelor party like that. Although I guess for me it would be a bachelorette party, but whatever. I'd also prefer that any future spouse of mine go zip lining than to a strip club. I suppose everyone has different preferences...

No, evolutionary biology says that female mammals invest greater amounts of energy in the formation of eggs, and then additionally to carry a fetus to term. Males invest very little in their formation of sperm, which are essentially just packets of DNA. A female's eggs provide genetic material in addition to all

What about cheese that uses unpasteurized milk?

Y'know, the Express store at my local mall has non-gendered fitting rooms. And the employees at Victoria's Secret have never objected to me bringing my boyfriend into my fitting room with me. I'm having a hard time believing that these big chain stores are more progressive than a specialty bra shop. *sigh* Also,

I agree, but did you read the linked article? If you get past the first two paragraphs describing their outfits, they actually start to graze the surface of some important issues, particularly that the media attention they generate can act as "an airbag in the car" that may allow them to continue as activists without

Copper is not advisable if you have a condition like endometriosis or others that are tied to hormones. I have endometriosis, and I got a Mirena, which is fantastic for that condition. If you have or suspect you have endo or another condition, I'd look into it before making the leap into copper. If you're in the

I personally hate condoms, but I am definitely an advocate for their use. As much as the latex and non-latex ones irritate the hell out of my lady bits, I always used them when I was more casually dating because of the added benefit of STD protection. I was on the pill as well, so they really were more of an extra

I got a Mirena placed when I had surgery for endometriosis, and everything is so much better now it's absurd. There is definitely an adjustment period, during which I had frequent spotting and horrible cramps (though frankly it had nothing on the endometriosis pain). Now, I'm having issues with mild acne, but in my

Fuck. Everything.

Just so you know, RAINN uses DOJ numbers and the DOJ definition of rape (which requires that penetration occur, meaning that even if a woman forces a man to have sex and does not penetrate him anally, that the man cannot file rape charges— he can only file sexual assault, which carries lower penalties). That means

I often refer to myself as a person, particularly since I don't consider myself as being a particular gender. However, I have a female body, which is fine, and I dress according to that in addition to using feminine pronouns. I don't mind the term "female," when used in the right context, and will often refer to

Psh, if women have to suffer through obscenely tight clothing, so do men. And really, their "tight" pants have zilch on the skin-tight stuff marketed at women. Notice they talked about jackets "like corsets." And who, may I ask, has been wearing said corsets? Yeah. Men have no room to complain in this regard. I,

You know what? I just graduated with my second bachelor's degree, Magna Cum Laude, and I look like a fucking supermodel, so this guy can suck my tits. People like to assume I'm air-headed and fashion-obsessed (as though those things naturally go together), so I have worked DAMN HARD to cultivate presence,

No, what we NEED is paid PARENTAL leave. Just doing maternity leave will disincentivize companies to hire women. It will also force women to be the ones to take time off for a child, and thus contribute to inequality at home and in the workplace. I'm serious. If we only have maternity leave, it will hurt women.

This movie was already ruined for me when I learned that all species of cats have spiky penises. Yep. Spiky. Penises. Feel sorry for all the lady cats. *shudder*

I'm not going to watch that video. I'm a happily an omnivore, but all of the meat I buy is of the free-range, local, etc. variety. I recognize that it's an enormous privilege for me to be able to afford that kind of food though, and I certainly don't judge anyone for simply purchasing what they can afford. For