[citation needed]

We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.

Would Tom Jones also be acceptable?

The breaststroke is required for the swimming merit badge.

Man, this thread on 80's music is just…

Pure Energy.

Featuring Dinosaur Sr!

Please, the man has a name. It's "G'Kar".

Ohrrrrtt!!! Ohrt! Ohrt Orht!

Almost as bad as how blatantly obvious it is that Benedict Cumberbatch has *no idea* how to play the violin.

Like the Ghostbusters soundtrack?


A common form of chemotherapy.

Yes, the people have spoken and they want a tweener gang-bang on HBO in all its glory!

Post needs more "lol".

Take that, Web M.D.!

Under the sea! Where 'splosions induce hydrostatic shock!


Zoot alours!

"Long arm?! You want to see a loooong arrrrm?!!!"

He thinks he's people!