Break the deal and face the wheel!
Break the deal and face the wheel!
Break the deal and face the wheel!
Sorry, please take the comment in the spirit it was given. I was only making light of the ambiguity in that sentence, especially in relation to the reveal you'd never seen the space-western.
Ever the voice of reason. Cookie, you are history's greatest monster. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Perfectly good corpse.
One who enjoys fava beans and a nice chianti.
It's implicit in everything she says.
Just run up those credit cards — that's what real billionaires do!
Sorry to have been so glib about it then.
Heard that's been going around. Fortunately, it's just the 48-hour variety.
Alternate Astrid in Fringe was autistic. There was an episode devoted to her crossing over to our universe and talking to her neurotypical counterpart to get an idea of what that sort of life would have been like.
Too gristly?
Every time I try to pull myself up from the bathroom floor another bout of nausea hits. I'll just lie here on the cool tile for a while.
That's a great point. Also, if you haven't already, push the school into getting your child evaluated for autism as soon as you are able. My oldest was evaluated in preschool so it shouldn't be too early:
So which vampire clan does The Count belong? Ventrue? Malkavian?
All dem Spartans are a gonna dieeee?!
Binders of Ghostbusters movies.
Gonna need a bigger rocket.
He has the best words!