You know what? I’m completely on board with this. I don’t possess a yoni, but being people being comfortable in their own skin is great and I’m sure it probably feels nice. No comment on the “holistic” and “ancient” aspects of it though.
You know what? I’m completely on board with this. I don’t possess a yoni, but being people being comfortable in their own skin is great and I’m sure it probably feels nice. No comment on the “holistic” and “ancient” aspects of it though.
I’m a gay man, and I would absolutely love to see someone like myself in the Presidency in my lifetime. But please, dear God, don’t let it be this milquetoast, middle of the road, boring, mildly weird white dude. That’s TOO much like myself.
Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its…
I eat at around 5pm everyday, stop eating around 10, don’t eat till 5pm the next day. Have been doing it for almost a decade now. Just what works for me.
Dude. I hate super hero movies. Not as much as I hate football, but that’s another thing that “America” loves that I don’t get and I’m sick of hearing about. These guys are allowed to say they think something is trash. Especially since it’s not going to impact anyone being able to see these boring ass movies.
Ken Loach hits the nail on the head here:
When people go in like this I’m of two minds:
You keep spouting this shit about the HRC as if you know what you’re talking about. They’re very white, male, rich, and gay. Which has nothing to do with the rest of us. Good for her that she has done the minimum in supporting gay rights. That doesn’t mean she needs to be President. It is not a right.
Could you let us know what it is you’re smoking, so we can avoid it?
hillary is a middle aged woman from a different era and her response was both appropriate and made in the spirit of understanding.
Splinter died for this.
I have the 1964 edition. (I was born a year later, so I clearly didn’t buy this book). It has great stuff in it like how to cook a beaver tail. I mean an actual beaver, not the doughnut type thing.
I refuse to click on articles explaining or discussing what a VSCO girl is. I’m at the age where I pick and choose what parts of youth culture I pay attention to.
I want this woman and her story to be heard (and supported). The idea that Franken is any kind of victim is laughable.
Felicity Huffman claims that her daughter has a diagnosed learning disability, and if that’s true I do have some sympathy for the impulse to intervene, though obviously I disapprove that she actually went through with it.
The real joke is that most of us are Giants/Rangers/Knicks fans. Yanks are all we got right now.
But how else will I feel morally superior and tough, if not for at my keyboard?
There’s a couples trick you should know (if you don’t know it already).
We rarely know everything behind a stranger’s situation. Maybe she had a death in the family and booked last-minute tickets to attend the funeral. Maybe another family member just called to say they’re suicidal or in desperate medical condition, and she dropped everything and booked the only seats she could grab.
I own a surprising amount of water bottles that I have either purchased on my own or that have been gifted to me.…