
My goal for the next four years: keep my phone from ever auto capitalizing “trump.”

I installed an extension that replaces his name with “someone with tiny hands” about a year ago and it was probably the best choice tech choice I’ve ever made. The rage is still there but you can at least focus without seeing his damn name everywhere (which, if you live in NY, is already an issue).

I don’t think that’a the issue at all - I think it’s people who are pissed off when you wish them happy holidays. They’re angry that you didn’t say Christmas. Which is like look asshole, what it I just meant New Year’s too?

Pretty much.

No of course not, she blames Clinton voters for supporting such a weak candidate when she just KNOWS that Bernie would have won.

I’m so confused by the need to tell people to fuck off when we’re ostensibly on the same side, and also how someone could support both Gabbard and Booker, who are very, very different. Do you like corporatism or nah? (Personally I don’t care about Wall St. donations - I understand it’s an industry with constituents in

Really? Fuck off? That’s pretty rich. I may have been hyperbolic but the facts are there. Gabbard is highly problematic.

That bitch took on thousands of years of sexism, a few hundred of racism, the easily led press, the FBI, WikiLeaks and Russia and she still won 2.5 million more votes. I’m ride or die for her at this point.

Biden (who is great in many ways) ran unsuccessfully twice. Why would he (in a “change” election) have won this time?

Please take Tulsi Gabbard off that list. Anyone who is open to working in a Trump administration is not OK.

Dude, Hillary cleaned trump’s clock in the debates. Didn’t matter.

I love Gillibrand - I assumed she would be disqualified because she 1. has a foreign spouse and 2. Is in HRC’s old seat, but now 1 is irrelevant, and since Hillary isn’t president (sob) I don’t think 2 will matter. (But I’m so worried that we won’t get another female nominee for a million years.)

Honestly it did for me - can’t say it’s universal!

I grew an inch in my early 30s - I think because yoga. It was great but weird.


I was 100% against having a Plumlee on the Knicks but I think we got a good one.

Some of us do think everyone deserves compassion just because they were born. Hell, some of us even think that you don’t even need to be human to be deserving of compassion. Imagine!

Didn’t vote, donated to Clinton & DNC.