
Naomi Campbell is very beautiful, but she has repeatedly assaulted her employees, and while it's kind of funny I guess (?) it also makes her an asshole, not a queen.

Yeah - the medicalization/diseasification of pregnancy is a whole other issue that's just cray. I assume that a lot of that has to do with malpractice suits and wanting to be totally ass-covered, but then when you add it to the post from earlier today about abortion laws being used to take away pregnant women's

Ha, yeah. Jimmy Fallon, bastion of hip-ness.

I don't know what that emoticon means, but I choose to interpret it as Lowly Worm dancing flamenco., and therefore thank you for bringing it into my life.

Naturally the hospitals, and the insurance companies, etc. etc. are largely to blame for how fucked up the whole situation is. I'll even point out that the phrase "people who incur unnecessary medical costs" is broad enough to include hospital billing departments.

FWIW, I'm not telling anyone anything. I'm having an opinion. And yes, people who have shit diets and smoke or train surf or do weird frat pledge funnel shots in the ass or never exercise and sit all day and choose to just take pills instead, yes, I have opinions about how they are affecting the cost of insurance.

Do I get to have an opinion on people who incur unnecessary medical costs, thereby raising premiums for everyone?

Who even are these people?

I don't think so at all. I was actually thinking how nice it was that she was not sexualized.

Why is it surprising that an ass-rapist is sort of a jerk? Why are people more shocked that he wouldn't call Steve Nash than that he ass raped a woman?

Pshaw. I was drinking switchel when it was on Sub Pop.

I have never seen a list more wrong in my life.

Equally insanely, I had a full semester of 10th grade Social Studies studying Africa. The very first lesson: you cannot generalize about Africa because it is TOO BIG.

Ha - I was going to write that, but somehow once I got into 'straight cis women aspiring firefighters' adjective fatigue set in...

Thanks :) I think there is and should be room to talk about the matrices of gender identity and workplace gender discrimination without it becoming acrimonious! That said, this is ROY G BIV, and the concerns of cis women are not really the issue here, so I don't want to go to far off topic.

Thanks for the clarification/edumacation! I see your point.

This woman is cool as fuck. If I'm reading correctly, she joined FDNY as a man and then transitioned while she was employed. Knowing a little about the Department and how insular it can be, that's incredibly brave (braver than running into a burning building, IMO). It doesn't, however, open more doors or show a path

Is the the place to mention that Dear White People is also a mini Veronica Mars reunion with Tessa Thomson and Kyle Gallner? I was excited already, but now, oh boy.

I suspect you could treat the dresses with heat to speed up the drying time and kill the virus without harming the dresses. There are large room-sized enclosures for treating bed bugs that might work.

I think you mean... a cassingle!