
The first few batches will be terrific, but it'll become more watered down and bland the longer it's in production.

Maher has really gone too far this time. In this day and age, making jokes about, uh . . . not wanting to work in a field, I guess?

Why would anyone boycott the Oscars over this? That'd be like not going to your birthday party because you thought your boss was an asshole. Why would he care?

Here's a hint: Those support groups they keep going to and talking about, they're not for people who want help to stop being "endearing" in public.

Steven Avery . . . Hmmm . . . Steven Avery. Oh yeah, the guy from that movie. I remember him. What else is on?

Here's a list with a lot of essential episodes. If you can make your way through it you'll have a pretty good idea of what's going on

I remember watching this show and thinking how brilliant it was that they had an ironic laugh track go off after every awkward non-joke. After reading this article… I think maybe that's not what they were doing.
Anyway, eat more butts, y'all, eat more butts forever.

I love Connor on TCGS, and I would like to hear him and JD Amato do a podcast, but 12 hours? Come on. My time is in no way valuable, but even I have limits.

Cowboys from Hell - Pantera

"Money for Nothing" - Dire Straits

Puff Knuckle?

When I first read this article I was all like POW!POW!POW!, But then I was AAAAIIIGHHHHHH!!! KKKKKRRRRSSSSHHHHPPPPPLLLLLNNNKKKKTTTT!!!!, and then I had pancakes to celebrate and I was like  NOM!!! HMMMMMM!!!!UMMMMM!!!! NOM NOM!!!

You know, I'm getting pretty tired of this blatant emotional manipul— awwwww!!!! the widdle doggy was in the cheese hat!!

New No No: Musicians should not play Music. Music should play musicians.

INT. DAY— An unattractive man and
woman are in front of a green screen with an image of a toilet bowl
projected onto it, they are both covered in canned spaghetti and
staring directly into the camera. There is a shattered piggy bank
before them.

When they come back from the first commercial break you can hear someone saying, "Jamie, don't talk into the mic, they can hear you." I thought that was good career advice.

40 year old man wearing eyeliner in an attempt to stay relevant to a younger audience gets on stage and proclaims, "I've got nothing left.. now I've got nothing left" We know Billy, we know.

40 year old man wearing eyeliner in an attempt to stay relevant to a younger audience gets on stage and proclaims, "I've got nothing left.. now I've got nothing left" We know Billy, we know.

You know, I've often been referred to as the Hannibal lecter of pussy.

You know, I've often been referred to as the Hannibal lecter of pussy.