
Me:“I want 100mbps”

Fixed it for you.

Except it wasn’t feral, it was her neighbor’s pet.

Now playing

It wasn’t a feral cat, she shot her neighbors companion,. A well fed neutered cat named Tiger. That was definitely a big part of the outrage.

Well the feral cat has to eat something to live and they can easily kill birds.

Sure, guy. You show me a philosophy book that allows me to play Mario...

Charter and Time Warner Cable are one and the same now, so if you’re being throttled, good chance the author is as well.

There’s also this guy running for President that is in excellent health

Random crazy person, physical violence, lots of bugs, some vomit, all trapped in a subway car together?

They’re not kneading you out of love. They’re checking to see how tender you are before they kill and eat you.

Those cats are just waiting for the day that you’re smaller than them...

I live with my 2 tween daughters and 2 cats. Not worried about the tweens but the cats ... Shit. I wonder what their twitter handles are.
If I’m not back soon, Jez will know what happened to me.

You mean like all those Amazon products where they give away their item for “an honest review” aka “give us a 5 star review otherwise you will never get another free product from us”.

Not to mention if you likely use hulu you use other services already like Netflix. High speed internet is $55 monthly for me, I subscribe to hulu commercial free, Amazon Prime, Netflix $12.99 tier & Starz or another service depending on time of the year.