
Hey, that Christmas suit is awesome!

If she plays it like she did the vampire in Blade Trinity (where she and Ryan Reynolds were clearly in a different movie than everyone else), then this will be nothing but fun.

I can see that. Also, it’s Famke’s birthday today!

Is it weird to say that the specs of the phone are “pathetic” and then list 3GB of ram which is what the iPhone 7 has and is more than my iphone 6? ...

Seriously? What an idiot. I bet he’s in his mid-twenties, isn’t he?

I like how the conclusion he came to is that he needs an Apple device to fit in as opposed to concluding that people who judge you for using a device different from their personal preference are asshats that you’re probably better off not having in your life.

So let me get this... You think the girl never got in touch with you again because of your choice of cellphone? I am almost assured it was your intellect.

Hipsters can be pretty hard to understand. They’re waaay more individualistic and expressive, which means they do exactly as their friends do. Anything from glasses to beards to jeans cut is carefully culled from market research they do independently but quite unconsciously from their pool of peers, and then emulated.

An iPhone, which she clearly used, shows messages sent from Android phones in a green conversation bubbles as long as you’re using the default text messaging app, Apple Messages.

I’m sorry that you don’t have the capacity for individuality and can be actually shamed by something as meaningless as the electronic communicator in your pocket.

Click-bait articles are getting really bad.

“See you later savages.”


Good. Do another and give Cavill time to get out of Superman so he can take over

He might as well do another Bond. According to his imdb it’s not like his schedule is overwhelming.

It’s been garbage for a while. It’s “watch what we have” not “watch what you want”. 99% of the time if I want to watch something specific it’s never on Netflix.

Studios will return within the next few years once their own proprietary streaming services crash and burn.