I saw the headline and thought this was a clever parody article. The “Climate Justice Fashion show?” Then to find out it is actually a thing...
I saw the headline and thought this was a clever parody article. The “Climate Justice Fashion show?” Then to find out it is actually a thing...
Cute attempt, but fake news. You want the “ravings of a person with no connection to reality?” Try Bill Nye. How about Al Gore?
I suggest you read some history so you understand where the 17th Amendment comes from and why it wasn’t designed that way from the start. Are you suggesting that the US was “authoritarian” prior to 1913?
As Frank Herbert wrote: “A walking population is easier to control.”
LOL! Any chance of getting help for poor Crazy Maxine Waters?
Wow, you’re really afraid the voter fraud gravy train is about to be derailed!
I always get right up, but that’s because I’ve been squeezed into the Tyrian Lannister seat for six hours and I need to unfold. Particularly if the callous asshole in front of me has reclined his seat through my knees (I’m 6'3" so my knees are pressed into the seat in front of me even if not reclined).
Fortunately, Pirates of the Caribbean will now reflect the more accurate image of pirates from the covers of romance novels. All the bad stuff, to the memory hole!
OMG! Did Putin delete the tweets?!? Maybe we need a few million dollars and a year or so to investigate this too!
You picked some wild quotes for Disney. Hmm, refresh my memory, does the Obama bot reflect on his visits to all 57 states?
Or, you could have a family, work all day long, coach all evening, cram down some food and get to sleep so you can do it all over again. Pretty soon, you’ll realize that you have already stopped gaming while you grew up.
I’ve discovered (using a lot of math) that if you buy your suitcase at WalMart, it will wobble and fall over.
Yes! Drain the swamp, create productive jobs! MAGA!
I apologize, but I laughed through the entire story.
Please, please, please let her name be Alice!
Yeah, it seems like the Trump administration really doesn’t like following the law, unlike his predecessor, oh, um, scratch that, never mind...
It’s hilarious that you write the entire article and never include a “D” or “Democrat” by his name (or anywhere). If he were a Republican, you would have mentioned it at least once per sentence.
So, your problem with the Mummy is that she cannot be a queen without needing a man ... TO EAT?!? I just saw Wonder Woman (an excellent movie) and I remember Diana eating ice cream. Does it make her any less of a Queen because she needs to eat ice cream? Come to think of it, Steve Trevor had to buy her that ice…
I expect to lose a bunch of good games to this update, but has anyone heard if Lords of Waterdeep or Motorsport Manager will be updated? Those are the ones I really don’t want to lose.
This is brilliant! Climate Sanctuary Cities! Places like NY will drive the last of their businesses to more rational states, so Nevada will benefit.