
Wasn’t our Treasury Secretary also a producer on Wonder Woman?

If you haven’t already, I recommend reading Search and Destroy. It’s a book documenting these and other abuses at Google.

Meanwhile, in Germany they took down the largest Alt-Left site. No story there? Waiting...

I’m impressed! You found the one anti-white faked “hate crime,” amidst the sea of anti-minority faked “hate crimes.” That’s impressive reporting (not said with sarcasm, I am actually impressed by your reporting).

This is unfortunate. I voted for change from the disastrous course of the past eight years, and while things started out promising, the two best people advising the President have now resigned. Maybe Gorka and Bannon can better serve the country from outside the White House, but I’d be lying if I tried to put a

Yep, he snuck it in by announcing it in front of 30,000 people and FNN. I sometimes wonder how far your TDS will go.

Well, they got the one guy on the Alt Right fighting back, so I guess they’ll start rounding up Antifa and BLM thugs now too, right? (Is there an emoji for “holding my breath”?)

You know damn well that if Saint Barack had looked at the eclipse without glasses, it would have been a “manly” show of strength. And you wouldn’t have been kidding, as any sentient being who actually watched Tucker Carlson knew he was.

I use a keypad lock on my garage, and it is extra secure insofar as it doesn’t work the first time even with the correct code. So, you think you’ve cracked my code, you enter it and it doesn’t work. You move on to your next guess.

I use a Kevo lock and it’s so secure that 7 out of 10 times it doesn’t work for me! Imagine the thief trying to break through a lock that won’t unlock for its own key!

So, now President Trump “defended” the racist rally? Wow. Tomorrow you’ll report that he attended the rally and by the weekend he will have spoken at the rally. #FakeNews

I suggest you actually check the history of Antifa before spouting off in ignorance. Nazis and communists have more in common than America and Apple Pie.

You keep pushing the fake news narrative and you become part of the problem

This is exactly the problem. They have a constitutional right to be ignorant a$$holes. The correct response is to ignore them or laugh at them. When you throw rocks at them, you only give them the notoriety they crave.

He condemns their hatred, and they thank him for his support. Then you report that he supports them. How does it feel to be as stupid as a New Nazi?

Um, yeah, SJWs feared harassment? 😂

Evidence: ROMA

Looks like he’s always been a rebel. Rage against the machine man!

Well, they proved his point. Now, hopefully, he’s named on one of their blacklists and he sues the $hit out of them!