
Sorry, Alissa, but you’ve also got to look inward. Bottled water became a thing because of people like you (generically speaking) - well educated, upwardly mobile women.

Tell that to Evian

Get the sand out of your vagina. I like bottled water for 2 reasons. 1) it tastes better than tap (most brands), and 2) I like it being portable, for when I don’t remember to bring my own. All of your other reasons are “look at me, I’m so deep” bullshit.

That's wiper fluid. I wouldn't drink it.

A basic human right? Wow. You guys can take something as simple as bottle water and turn it into some bull-shit bleeding-heart liberal human rights cause. Giz has gone so far downhill recently it's appalling.

HBO has made buying GoT amazingly complicated and expensive. more so than almost any other entertainment media in recent memory.

Mandatory voting would require a voter ID of some sort. And as Democrats love to remind us...voter ID laws are racist and bigoted.

I have seriously NEVER considered the age, sex or race of the author before reading a book. Most of the time, I do not even know it, and quite frankly, I don't care.

I get where they are going in that I generally gravitate to reading white male authors, and they tend to perpetually dominate the bestseller lists.

Comparing IMAX to In-N-Out is an injustice to IMAX.

No, I nailed you for being a lazy, partisan hack. Your sarcastic response could only mean you agree with my premise, because you have no factual rebuttal to offer up. The simple fact is you wanted to file a story with minimal effort on your part that would generate the maximum click-bait potential. Accuracy and

Really? The only evidence of dumb I see here is that we have a "reporter" who can't Google for shit.

Whats the distinction here? Because cell phones used in a private residence are still susceptible to a stingray attack. Thats like saying that you can't expect your land-line phone calls to be private because the phone lines run over public land and therefore the fbi doesn't need a warrant for wiretapping. It would be

The obvious question is, how do they know if I'm at home before they collect these data?

There's a glimmer of hope! It's called last gen games... I don't get why this is an issue, it happens with every new iteration of consoles. There's plenty of great last gen games out there, The new consoles' libraries are small so there's plenty of waiting to do before something compels one to jump ship.

Oh, and buy our product. Manbearpig rules!

Exactly like AGW! warmer earth=="We're all gunna diiiiiieeeee!"

Beware of alarmist, crisis-type headlines. These things are always backed by the most pseudo of sciences, and mainly designed for attention.

The new TRON was awesome WTF dude? Really one of the best reboots ever, took the story in a much better consistency, awesome acting choices and amazing effects and music. The 3D was knockout, up there with AVATAR for best 3D films to see.

man they're really milking the toy story. though i'll never understand why they won't make a sequel to the Incredibles.