
Wow, a science award for a heretic? Do they vote, then we all wait for the white smoke when the choice is made?  

How on earth do you see this as a “dystopian hell”? If you have teens who are unwilling to manage themselves, in a society where every single method of discipline has been legislated out of parents’ hands, what do you suggest? I suppose it isn’t “dystopian” to wait for the delinquent to get arrested?  Then he gets an

From the picture, it doesn’t look that much smaller than the actual Vectrex (and I assume there would be a special set of overlays for the smaller screen?  I still have my Vextrex, and I play it pretty regularly (as well as the emulator on the iPhone).  

As a free market 100% conservative, I have to... completely agree with you. Yep, I've got nothing. This is what the commerce clause should be used for. 

I thought I’d miss the home button when I upgraded to iPhone X, but less than a week later, I prefered the swipe method.  Would never go back.

In April. I dropped DirecTV after 22 years in favor of Hulu Live (they are the only one that has all the Reno local networks). I haven’t missed anything, and in many ways the Hulu package is better. Having access everywhere (I know DirecTV had access “everywhere” but it rarely worked) is really nice. With all that, I

I strongly suggest you do not order the Arcade1UP machines from WalMart! I pre-ordered two in July, and they had no intention of fulfilling the orders.  If you check the Arcade1UP Facebook page, you’ll find that WalMart is not honoring these orders.  I gave up, cancelled my WalMart orders, and placed orders with

I strongly suggest you do not order the Arcade1UP machines from WalMart! I pre-ordered two in July, and they had no

Wow, that was an excellent demonstration of projection!  Ooh, ooh, do paranoia next?

Wow, that was an excellent demonstration of projection. Ooh, ooh, do paranoia next!

No one seriously argues that gun control won’t stop all gun crime, therefore it is worthless.  The argument is that it will stop relatively little crime, while preventing law abiding citizens from defending themselves, which in itself encourages more crime.  In other words, it doesn’t stop criminals, it only stops

Because law abiding citizens don’t rape in self defense. They don’t murder to keep their stores from being robbed. So, only the criminals rape and murder, but we don’t want to rape or murder, we just want to lawfully exercise our constitutional right.

Careful, this is the kind of story that got Alex Jones banned from the Internet. Of course, since your conspiracy theory is on the correct side, you’re probably ok.

One of Tucker Carlson’s regular main points is that by calling everything “racist,” you devalue the term, and people stop listening to you.  Thank you for proving his point.

I’m clutching my pearls as I write this!  Wrongthink must be punished!

Sounds like some Facebook employees need to grow the F up and ditch come of their totalitarian tendencies. 

It amazes me that you have no problem with rampant censorship of “hate speech,” whatever that means this week, but this ban is problematic because it may put “sex workers” out of a job?  You really need to assess your priorities. 

The Russians attacked the Jedi! Of course. The Russians are behind everything! Where is Bullwinkle when you really need him?

I was one of the early adopters for Gmail, and it is an excellent service. With that said, I really don’t like the company’s policies on privacy, censorship, and much more. I would love to leave, but then I remember that their spam filtering is second to none (probably because they already know everything about us). I

I guess this means Sarah Jeong will finally be banned?  I’m not holding my breath...

Build a wall?  Bunch of racists, just want to keep Antarctica white...