
Oh, well, you make quite a persuasive argument there. I can’t see a way to refute your airtight logic.

It’s funny you mention that, as I have seen the same articles and had the same reaction. Where I use fitness tracking on my Apple Watch is more as an after-workout record. In other words, my Apple Watch doesn’t spur me to greater fitness, I’m already doing that myself, but I can use the watch to look back on my

It looks really nice, and it is a bit cheaper than the Apple Watch, but other than that, the Apple Watch 4 clearly blows it away. I keep hearing about battery life as a selling point, but my Apple Watch 3 easily makes 48 hours without a charge (sometimes reaching 72 hours) and that is with regular use and workouts

Me: [provides link with facts]

Hey, I’m not the one who quoted Snopes here.  I gave you a solid article full of facts. I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you.

Wow, your best argument consists of “I’m right because I’m right” then you stick your fingers in your ears and say “lalalalala...”  Such a sad, pathetic little man.

Before I go die in a hurricane, could you please cite some other hurricanes where the death toll was calculated in the same way?

Dummy doesn’t bother to actually read Breitbart news story which compiles results from a variety of sources, including the New York Times or care to understand that the numbers were revised upwards in a way that has never been done with any other disaster, thus making all comparisons irrelevant, resulting in what

Awww, isn’t that cute, you’re adulting now? Good luck there...

I enjoy the entertainment value of far left sites like Gizmodo and their reality distortion field.  Its priceless!

Wow, the President disputes the wildly made up numbers of deaths manufactured just to make him look bad by the same officials that left bottled water on the dock because they were too busy making anti-Trump shirts and hats, and that means he’s “lying”? Pathetic.

That’s scalp number one.  Who’s next?  Time to eagerly unperson someone else.  Rosie O’Donnell has been pretty hateful lately...

This looks really cool! Does it also have the feature from the previous models where it runs for about a minute or two before finding some furniture to wedge itself under and be unable to continue its cleaning cycle? I loved that feature, it was really reliable! We would come home every day to a dirty floor and play a

I guess she can make herself feel better by throwing some more hate at Adam Baldwin.

Wow, I’m going to go do some Amazon shopping now!  

Whatever you do, don't offload the coffin full of dirt!

Ah, Gizmodo, the site that parodies itself.

Sounds like Sarah Jeong would be right at home there. 

He called her a moron, and her response was, “I’m not a moron, I’m a Puerto Rican!” This woman cannot be on TV enough! She’s the largest in-kind contribution to Trump 2020 out there. Even Fauchahontas has started to parrot her.

Better titles: “Fake” and “Unhinged.”