
Obama campaign does this in 2012, “brilliant.”

Another reason why I love my HomePod!

Thank God Nevada doesn’t go in for this insanity. We don’t have to worry about getting sick from our re-usable bag, and we have a supply of plastic bags to line the waste bins in the house.

Wow, this sounds like a freshman film student had something to say and a sledgehammer to say it with. Hard pass.

This is an a excellent example of the human condition. People can be brilliant in one area and idiotic in another. We can’t all be brilliant at everything. Just look at Linus Pauling. Brilliant scientist, and yet every year millions of people down vitamin C when they get the sniffles because in that area Pauling was

So what? For eight years, President Obama’s fight against Islamic terrorism avoided the terms “Islamic” and “Muslim.”

Meanwhile, your can go and fight for ISIS, and you’re welcomed back into the U.K. And they want us to take them seriously?

For what it’s worth, Ryan F. Mandelbaum isn’t a shining example of positive human behavior. He’s used some surprisingly alt-left language like “alt-right” to describe the tweets of William Shatner.

Great story! I love what James O’Keefe has done with Project Veritas. I eagerly anticipate his videos. He has a great book too, well worth reading.

Um, yeah, and Ben Carson, and the Family Research Council, and other poeple who have been called out as “hate groups” by America’s preeminent hate group, the SPLC. It’s all good, though, as they ignore CAIR and Antifa while collecting tons of cash to fund their “Poverty Palace,” and fill their offshore bank accounts.

Thank you for linking to that excellent article, I hadn’t noticed it before. Please cite for me any factual errors in the article, rather than listing ad-hominem attacks and guilt by association rumors.

Wow, as soon as a woman has an informed opinion that differs from the orthodoxy, the immediate reaction is “burn the witch.” You did an excellent job of proving the veracity of the source article. You cite the discredited SPLC as a source, then you launch into a wild guilt by association screed. Well, if that’s the

Any chance this is a marketing tie in to promote last week’s episode of The X-Files?

This is brilliant! Finally some politicians with the courage to punish corporate virtue signaling.

This is an excellent idea! I’m a firm 2nd Amendment supporter, and as a teacher I favor arming some teachers and getting rid of “gun free zones.” With that said, I also am open to new ideas, so bring it on!

The Pre was a a good concept, and mine remained without a single blemish as I took excellent care of it. Nevertheless, I did put it in my pocket, where it picked up lint, then I plugged in headphones, and it was off to the Sprint store to clear the jack...

Well, as it would appear that you are happy that someone you do not like is facing jail time for posting facts that you do not like, that would qualify you as an extremist. Therefore you “have NO legitimacy, no rights, and not one single f*ing good point.”

Wait, ISIS does something violent, records it and posts it. ISIS’s enemy takes that video and uses is as evidence of how awful ISIS is, and there’s irony here? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Adding moving parts (popup camera) is just adding another point of failure. Likewise, the headphone jack is just another place to collect lint and cause problems. I used to have a Palm Pre that I had to take to the Sprint store on a regular basis because it would get stuck in headset mode and I couldn’t clear it. I

Oh sure, they pass on the version that is actually scary...